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The first thing Miko sees as she comes to are the big, white, fluffy clouds overhead. Wind's in her hair, sharp against her bare skin. She's moving much faster than normal, gut wrenching, head pounding. Her first thought is that she's fallen asleep above deck again and she's gotten sea sick from it; but then she realizes she's much higher than normal too. Miko jumps to her feet, wobbling with the sudden burst of energy. "Great Spirits! I'm in the sky!" It's then she remembers what happened on Kyoshi Island; her head throbs once more with a particularly vicious ache at the memories. She frowns and rubs her head.

"Sokka, your prisoner is awake."

That's when she sees them -- the Avatar and his friends. The boy, Sokka, sits the closest to Miko. He's got a darker complexion than anyone in the fire nation. His head is shaved on either side and around the back, though not in a manner that makes him look bald the way Zuko's does; the little bit of untouched hair is pulled back -- it's a wolf's tail. Miko's fascinated by his eyes -- they're a shade of blue she never thought possible. She's not sure what to compare them to. The sky? The ocean? Nothing seems to fit. They're so light. Light, that is, until they land on Miko.

When he looks at her, she knows exactly what to compare Sokka's eyes too. Ice. They're hard, cold; they get the slightest shade darker. Does he already dislike her?

He positions himself in front of his sister and the Avatar, aims that curved weapon in Miko's face. She can see it more clearly now. The edges are painted white, sharp, though not nearly as much as Zuko's swords; on one end there are two, small holes. Miko isn't sure what they're for. Areo-dinamics perhaps? The handle is wooden, and the blue metal looks silver in the morning sun.

"Don't move priso -- hey!" Whatever Sokka was going to say was cut off when Miko snatches the weapon right out of his hands. She's not using it against them, though. In fact, she sits back down, examines the thing more closely. The ache on her head is all but forgotten.

"What is it?" Miko asks. She's holding the weapon up towards the sun now, just to watch the light gleam off the metal work. "How does it work?"

Sokka scoffs, jabs his thumb at her and gives his sister and Aang a look like What's wrong with this girl? Unfortunately, the duo is less than helpful, just giggling like the scene is the funniest thing ever. Looks like he's on his own; so he gives Miko his best, most exasperated stare, usually only reserved for Katara when she's being particularly difficult and bossy. "Seriously? It's a boomerang! How do you not know how it works?"

She shrugs, still turning the thing in her hands. "I don't know much about weapons."

Sokka rolls his eyes, runs a hand over his face. Girls. Honestly, they'd be the death of him. "You throw it, and it comes back. Now could you --"

"I want to try it!" Sokka lets out a shout of protest, moves to stop her, but before he reaches her, Miko's already throwing his boomerang. It disappears behind the clouds; she watches for it, ignoring the Water Tribe boy as he rants. Something about the rules of being a prisoner. He doesn't notice when the boomerang comes flying back, and he's too busy with his raving to catch it before it clocks him on the back of the head. Sokka glares at her, rubbing at his own sore spot; then his glare turns to Aang and Katara when he catches them snickering. Miko stares back at Sokka, a sheepish little smile spreading across her features.

"You did that on purpose!" Sokka accuses. "You're trying to escape!"

"Sokka, we're fifty feet in the air!" Katara protests. "Where is she going to go?" Her hair is pulled back in a simple braid, two identical loops on either side of her face, shaping her head quite nicely. She's got the same skin tone as her brother. They share the same eyes too, but hers are much softer than his, almost maternal, even though she's much too young to be a mother.

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