the mask (31s chapter)

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(take this draft i re wrote today and im sorry this is all very cringy im not good at writing)

31 looked at the cage he had yeeted the entity into and walked away before hearing a call from prometheous and he awnsered with a sigh hoping prometheous hadent found out he was a trator yet "ello is 31 what do you need?"

"did you get the entity?"

"yes i did sir"

"good not meet me back at base i need to show you somthing"

"meet you therre boss"

he hung up and portaled to base roughly 5 feet from prometheous as held somthing out to 31 who picked it up and looked at it quizitivly before looking up and speaking through the clone mask

"what is it?"

"its a older helmet of mine that i never used and itsd like this one but iot has a few feratured i never found quite useful... maybe you will be able to find them of use"

"thanks boss"

31 quickly took his cloneish mask off and put the helmet on turning it on in the process seeing prometheous had already coded it to call him 31 made him smile as he looked around the ui impressed that prometheous wouldent use any of the features it had

"how old is this thing?"

"id say roughly... a year old? i cant remember how long ago i made that but never used it"

"its pretty high tech for somthing that was never used"

31 seen the ui was red and quickly changed it to a black so it was more like sunglasses before prometheous shooed him away and he teleported to his room in the compound and started jailbreaking the mask so he could put some extra programs and more memory for when prometheous found out he was the traitor he could download everything from his computer into his mask and record the blowup prometheous was bound to have the dasy he found out

*timeskip to almost a year later*

31 seen prometheous running at him like he was mad... not good and out of reflex 31 hidhaving already downloaded everything to the mask over 7 months ago walking out of his hiding spot and pressing record


"what do you mean?"


"fine... the artisain and the nameless..."

"good now take your things and leave after we delete your recognition of this place"

31 under his mask smirked wearing contacts having watched other clones get kicked out for betrayal getting their memmorys wiped clean and assiened a new name so they would blend in with the public as he grabbed his stuff as prometheous left he stopped recording the recordings he had recorded were if the contacts didnt stop his memory from being wiped as he left after the memory wipe having failed miserably

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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