A Much Needed Talk

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After Jinn had told of us Ozpin's past and the world came back to us. I immediately looked around before seeing Ozpin sit on his legs as he cried. I ran up to him before sitting down and wiping his tears.

"You all heard her too right!!?" I heard Yang yell out loud. "Salem can't be killed!! Their was so much you haven't told us!! How did you think that was okay??!" Yang continued pointing her finger at Ozpin as she grew more angry. I growled before standing up. "Listen! Perhaps you should have paid more attention to what the gods have said!! He's been through a lot! He had to see his past all over again! Instead of being angry at him have some sympathy for him! He's sitting here crying!!" I yelled out loud before seeing Yang back away and Ruby step forward. "Professor, what is your plan to defeat Salem?" Ruby asked calmly before I turned and looked at the male. His expression, I knew he didn't have one. "I...I don't have one..." he mumbled before hiding his face into his hands.

Qrow's punch and Ozpin going straight to the tree made me gasp out loud and rise with anger. "Ozpin!!" I yelled his name before bringing out my weapon. "You are all misbehaving like children!! Ozpin never asked for any of you to help him with his mission on stopping Salem! He's been destroyed time and time again throughout his incarnation. And each time, he's grown to realize how difficult it is to trust people. Look at what happened at Haven." I stopped as I walked in front of Ozpin's body protecting him from the others. "If you really want to help him. Then stop acting like you know everything! Because you don't! Also, he never lied to any of you!! I don't recall you ever asking him about his past!!" I yelled before holding out my katana in the group.

They all stayed silent.

Maria walked in front of me. "Well said my dear. Now, as we are currently out of a way to head to Argus. I suggest we all get moving as all of you are spewing negativity. And I don't want my dying breath to be in the middle of a snowy wasteland." Maria spoke before silencing Yang before she suggested for everyone to look through their luggage that got destroyed. I watched them do that before I went to Ozpin. I placed my katana in my sheath. I bent down in the snow and cupped Ozpin's cheek. "Oz...." i whispered his name before seeing him look at me. Tears flooded down his face. "J-Jade...." He said before bringing me into a tight hug. I sighed before returning it. "It's okay... I'm always here for you. I'll never leave your side. Like how you won't leave mine." I reassured the male before messaging his back with my hand.

I heard my name get called and saw Maria moving her head as to get a move on. I nodded before getting up and holding my hand to Ozpin's. "Come on Oz." I said quietly before seeing him look around in fear. "W-where's my cane?" I saw Ozpin quickly run back toward the snowy area. I quickly followed him. "Ah! There it is!" I said before walking over to it and picking it up. He took it from me before we both made our way through the path and followed the team's footsteps that remained in the snow.

Me and Ozpin had both stayed behind from the others. He was still broken, and well. I didn't blame him. I knew it would be awhile before he would be back to his true self. I looked up at him and felt my heart break a bit more at seeing his teared stained face. I slowly moved my hand to his, without saying anything, I held onto it tightly, as if telling him that I would be there for him. It wasn't long before the path that Maria led us on actually led somewhere. An old abandoned farm. I looked up and saw the name of it. It didn't seem familiar. Soon we all made our way inside as the storm was growing more deadlier.

I stayed by Ozpin's side before I led him upstairs. I looked around before seeing dead bodies. I screamed slightly before feeling Ozpin's arms wrap around me. "It's alright..." his voice cracked before he removed his arms and walked over to a door. He opened it up before seeing blankets fall. He bent down and picked them up. "I found something to keep warm...." Ozpin said before turning and facing me. I walked up to him before taking a sigh before placing my hand on his. "Okay, lets return back to the others. We can share the blankets." I said before turning and walking back. Ozpin soon followed behind me as we walked back to the main floor. The others looked at me before I held up the blankets. "We found some blankets. As well as some decayed people upstairs." I said before handing some blankets to Ruby, before she thanked me and gave some more to the others. I turned and looked at Ozpin before smiling. "Come with me Oz." I said before walking over to the wall and I sat down on the floor. Ozpin did the same before I wrapped him with a blanket. I leaned against his body as sleep took over all of us.

I felt my body move from my position and heard quiet footsteps. I opened my eyes and turned my gaze to the sound. I didn't see Ozpin at my side and I grew slightly worried. I got up quietly and made my way toward the back door of the house. I saw lights on the back porch before seeing Ozpin sitting on the steps. I quietly opened the door before closing it quietly and walking toward him. It was still snowing yet the blizzard had died down slightly. "Ozpin?" I called his name before sitting on the step next to him. "Hey, are you okay?" Ozpin was currently hiding his face with his knees to his chest. I moved some of his hair hoping he'd talk to me. "Hey, Oz... talk to me...you know I'm here for you." Ozpin had gasped and I looked at him saddened as he was still crying. I looked sorrowfully at him before I rubbed his back with my hand. "It's alright... they don't understand you." I reassured him. "I learned a lot about you in Jinn's story. And while I never understood what you went through back in Beacon. I never went and judged you. With you saying you had a rough past. I never wanted to talk to you about it..." I sighed before wrapping the blanket around him. "So... what's on your mind Oz?"

Ozpin sighed before moving his head upward. "I... what are.. the others going to think..." Ozpin opened his eyes before looking out in the distance. "That Salem can't be killed... that she's immortal...." Ozpin gripped the other  edge of the blanket. I sighed before leaning against his arm. "Oz... I'll defend you...much like I did earlier... and I'll tell them the same thing I did today. You don't deserve this hate. And it's understandable that you don't know about how to defeat her.... yet as I listened... I realized something..." I looked up at him, in which he raised an eyebrow at me. "What's that?" I smiled before raising my head so I could look at him fully. "Your question you asked Jinn saying if you could defeat Salem... well... it wasn't specific. Well, it was, but you asked the wrong question." I said before looking out in the field. "You had asked how you yourself could defeat Salem... and Jinn had responded saying you can't. Salem can be destroyed, she has to know the importance of life and death.... and Oz, the God of Light had said to you, if you are able to reunite humanity and collect the four relics. Then they will judge humanity, and wether if magic can come back to the world." I said before smiling brighter at him. His eyes had grown slightly at what I was saying. "Do you get it? Salem may be immortal, but our goal right now, is to make it to Atlas, and then proceed to get the next relic." I raised my hand to his cheek before wiping his tears.

After we stayed outside for a bit and enjoyed the cold weather and watching the snow fall slowly. "This reminds me of Christmas..." I giggled softly before looking up at him and kissing his cheek. "I love you Oz." Ozpin couldn't help but smile back. "Love you too Jade...thank you..." I raised an eyebrow confused. "For what?" I asked before shifting my body against the pole of the deck. Ozpin looked at me before smiling. "For taking your time to talk to me... it makes me happy that you want to make sure I'm okay." I laughed before shoving him playfully. "Of course I'll come out here in the freezing cold to come talk to you! Do you remember when I thought you died at the Battle of Beacon! I never wanted to leave your side! I had to get dragged out of Beacon's basement by Qrow. And I kept your cane by my side ever since I left. Then you came to me as if nothing ever happened." I chuckled quietly as I didn't want to wake up the others. Ozpin sighed before standing up. "Well, I'm sorry for worrying you. But it was hard to come back as I didn't know where you'd be. But I suggested going back to Tai's home in Patch as I knew Qrow would have taken you somewhere." I heard Ozpin say before I stood up as well. "Well, I'm just glad you are alive and well... even if apart of your memory is with Oscar..." I said slightly before hugging him tightly. I felt him return the hug before kissing my forehead. Which resulted in a slight giggle. "Well, lets head back inside and get some sleep. We have to get up early." Ozpin groaned before letting go. I used my hand to hide my giggle as Ozpin hated getting up early. "Heh, throwback to Beacon days." I said before sticking out my tongue at him. Ozpin rolled his eyes before holding my hand and leading me back to our wall that we had claimed for our sleeping spot. We both laid down on the floor before I leaned against Ozpin's chest. "Love you." I said before moving my head to kiss him. Ozpin replied the same before we had both drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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