<<<Rules participants & judges>>>

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Need in judges pls who can and will enter too as a judge!!!

Unfortunately, there are some rules you must follow if you want to submit your book(s). Here they are...

***You can enter as a participant & Judge. Doing both is allowed.***

Do you have questions, ask here...

<<<Participant rules>>>

1. Be kind to each other. Don't be rude, please. Stealing a story or copy a story from someone else will be disqualified.

2. You may only register your book if you have at least 4 chapters or more.
Poetry should contain 2 chapters and Short story 2 chapters. There's no limit how many reads you have on your book.

3. Follow my account JustMe_100 (You follow me until the winners are announced. Then you can unfollow me, hopefully not of course ;)

5. Follow your judge.

4. Give this book a shout out on your message board.

5. Add this book to your public and private list. So you get all the notifications.

6. When I have accepted you, you are in the competition. I'll accept you in the first week of January 2021. If I am not, please tell me so I will.

7. You may enter multiple books also if it is the same book. But not in the same genre. Also not 2 different books in 1 genre. Just 1 book in each genre.

8. When a genre is full and you enter your book, then you're going automatically to the second round

9. If you change your USERNAME or BOOK NAME without telling me (also if you've deleted your book) you will be disqualified. Last year I was searching hours for people who changed their book name and or username. This time I don't want to do that so please let me know if you've changed it. Thank you!

10. Please follow these rules. Thank you!

<<<Rules judges>>>

1. Follow this account JustMe_100

2. Give this book a shout out on your message board

3. You may judge as many genres you want, exept the genre you participant.

4. Be honest as a judge when you judge a book.

5. You judge 5 books.

6. If a participant don't follow you please remind them to message them in private.

8. If you change your username without telling me, you will be disqualified. Last year I was searching hours for people who changed their book name and or username. This time I don't want to do that so please let me know if you've changed it. Thank you!

7. When I have accepted you, you are in the competition. I'll accept you in the first week of January 2021. If I am not, please tell me so I will.

8. When a genre is full, you're going automatically to the second round as a judge.

9. Please follow these rules. Thank you!

✔The Leaves Award 2021 {English}Where stories live. Discover now