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The moans and groans perforated through the thin wall, forcing Kate awake. The last thing she needed was another sleepless night. Work was becoming more and more difficult, her workload increasing, and now she was missing the crucial eight hours she needed to function. She groaned, rolling from her bed and dawdling to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water, taking small sips in the hope that her neighbor would be finished by the time she returned. Once the glass was empty, she sat it in the sink and slipped back into her now quiet bedroom. She sighed out a quiet thank you to whoever was watching over her and closed her eyes, hoping sleep would find her quickly.

Any chance of that was shot when she heard the headboard banging into the wall, the bed squeaking, and the disturbing squeals of the woman in the other room. Using her pillow to muffle the sounds, she tried to ignore it but it was to no avail.

Clenching her fist, she pounded on the wall.

"Fuck off."

Kate felt the anger flush her cheeks at his disrespect, "Put a sock in her mouth, for the love of God, Colton!"

"Ignore her," he grunted to his lady friend. "She's just a sour bitch who doesn't get laid."

"I'm considerate, you asshole. Some people have to work in the morning, so keep it down!"

The noises of the other room silenced and Kate smiled smugly. She hoped the woman had gotten embarrassed and not allowed him to continue. She looked forward to seeing the anger burn in Colton's dark eyes tomorrow, knowing she had caused him some frustration. It seemed a tame payback for the countless hours of sleep she had lost over the three months she had lived next door to him. The last thing she imagined was those black eyes narrowing in irritation before it carried her off into a peaceful sleep.

Returning from her run, Kate opened her mailbox, shuffling through the envelopes absent-mindedly before skipping up the staircase to her apartment. A voluptuous blonde wearing a tight, black dress brushed against her shoulder, her big blue eyes nervously flickering towards Kate. Based on her smeared makeup and matted hair, she assumed the blonde was the moaner from last night. She stifled a giggle, making her way to the fourth floor and scrunching her nose at the strong stench of weed.

His shirtless figure leaned against the rails, the burning joint clenched tightly between his lips. Black hair was spiked messily, and his dark eyes glared at her as she ascended the stairs.

"She was here longer than usual," Kate snorted, moving to unlock her front door.

"Someone cock-blocked me last night," he turned, leaning his forearms against the railing, presenting his heavily-scratched back to her like a trophy. "I had to finish. Couldn't get through the day with blue balls, could I?"

"Because your days are so hard," Kate shook her head, unlocking her front door and stepping inside. "It must be nice to spend your days doing nothing, but some people have a life other than sex and weed, so just please keep your fuck buddies quiet."

Colton turned to face her, the fire in his eyes only heightening his attractiveness. He opened his mouth to speak and Kate closed the door in his face. She threw her mail on the coffee table, making her way to the fridge.

It was bare, completely empty. She'd need to get groceries on the way home, she grumbled, disappearing into her bedroom to have a shower and get dressed for work.

The smell of weed was faint but present and Kate spritzed on some perfume after dressing in a pair of black slacks and a white blouse. She grabbed her jacket, purse, and keys and headed out the door, running directly into Colton.

"Watch what you're doing," he snapped, stubbing out the joint in the ashtray by his front door.

"Me?" Kate gaped incredulously. "Don't stand in front of my door."

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