Chapter ❤️ 13 Free fall

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"At three, we jump. "

I look once more at the ebony-colored water that stands a few meters under my feet. She is calm. Too calm. I'm sure the second my head is going to be submerged below the surface, I'm going to be dragged into the shallows of the lake, where I'm going to suffocate until the minute I'm going to lose consciousness and my heart is going to stop to beat.

It's not for nothing that my friends called me the Drama Queen.

I feel dizzy and back off the edge of the small cliff, Pete's eyes following my path to the ground. I tripped over a rock again andwould have found myself face first in the dirt if Pete hadn't caughtup with me. His grip on my shoulder softens as I awkwardly sit up.

"Areyou okay, Trick?" he asks me cautiously.

-Yeah.It's just vertigo ... "

His expression drops.

"Oh,I didn't know you are afraid of heights ..."

He now looks sheepish. He had just realized that his date plan was not right for everyone involved.

"You don't have to jump if you don't like it." "

I put a hand on his arm to reassure him.

"No,I will," I told him, determined to face my fear for the first time.

A small ashy smile appeared on his dark face, a sparkle of joy shining in his brown eyes.

I smiled in turn, turning my gaze to the rocky peak.

The jump is not very high, only two or three meters from the ground. The water doesn't look that deep and Pete was always there to help me if it went wrong.

I regain my senses and move closer to the edge. A weak cool breeze shakes the leaves of the trees.

I feel a presence by my side. I look at the man standing to my right.Half a dozen centimeters separates his fingers from mine. I brush lightly his hand against mine so as not to frighten him, then entwine my fingers with his. He stubbornly stares at the landscape without giving me a look, but I still saw his jaw straining and then relaxing. I apply light pressure against the palm of his hand.

He finally decides to pay attention to the two eyes that are fixed on him. He smiles at me and brings my hand to his mouth, placing a soft kiss on it.

I felt a flight of butterflies flutter in my stomach and a big smilelit up my face.

"At three. "

My feet get even closer to the edge, my pulse quickens.

"One. Two... "

I take a deep breath, hold it in my lungs for a few seconds before releasing it into the surrounding air.


My eyes closed, I feel myself take off from the ground, then fall into the void.

Legs first, I enter the river.

Once my fall cushioned by the cold water, I hasten to return to the surface. I realize I let go of Pete's hand during my fall.

I emerge on the surface, reassured by the fact that the water only reaches my shoulder blades.

Still blinded by tears in my eyes, I hear a laugh on my right. A warm and contagious laugh. I wipe my face with the back of my hand, I turn to examine the source of the laughter.

"Wow!That was too cool ! "

Pete drops onto his back, sticking his head out of the water, his blonde hair flattened over his forehead.

I smiled at my friend's innocence.

We didn't fall too far apart, only a meter or two apart.

I take a few steps in his direction, I approach a few feet from him.

Peterruns his hand over his face, head tilted back, mouth slightly parted.

"Fuck me. "

I realize what I just whispered under my breath and he looks at me strangely.

"Did you just say something?

-No»I answer him quickly, ashamed.

He nods slowly.

"Are you OK ? Your cheeks are all red ... "

A small smile on his face, he strokes my jaw with the tips of his fingers, as if I was as fragile as a porcelain doll, depositing small fresh drops that will run down my neck. His thumb traces my cheekbone, then rests behind my ear, the palm of his hand resting on the back of my head.

My heart skips a beat at the sudden contact, a strange sensation invades my chest.

By instinct, I put my hand on his waist hidden under the water. Pete looks into mine, before looking down to my lips, the corners of his mouth straightening into a big, beaming smile.

His head turns even more towards me, so much so that the tip of my nose touches his. My lids close peacefully, allowing me to pay attention to Pete who is gently stroking my neck with his thumb.

I can feel his breath against my lips, which part as the touch of his other hand against my cheek.

I pull her waist towards me. This collides with my hips.

He does not wait any longer to put his lips against mine. Soft and luscious, they do not move for a few moments. The hand that was resting on the base of my neck slowly descends to rest against my lower back, causing chills to cross my spine.

Firework sare ringing in my stomach.

Tomy chagrin, he separates from me.

Pete looks me in the eye, the same big smile he had on his face earlier.He rests his forehead against mine.

I recompose my emotions.

His mouth opens, as if about to speak, but I stop him by capturing his lips once more with mine.

I can't resist.

Impossible to resist himWhere stories live. Discover now