An Unconventional Lie

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" ah I didn't expect to see you here so early Claire. Is something wrong? Forget something?" Abby spoke, seeing Claire approach her in full armor and all.

Claire unsheathed her sword and laid it against the wooden table Abby was at, taking a seat across from her.

" no. I'm fine I suppose. It's just that The Order told me that I haven't used any of my sick days or any of my vacation days either so they wanted me to take off, they told me to go enjoy it because I earned it. I tried to tell them that I didn't want to but they forced me to do it because they said they wanted to review all my cases even though they could do that while I still work." Claire spoke, in an unhappy tone. She didn't like to take off from work, she was very much a workaholic, she felt like she had a duty to protect and serve creatures of all kinds in need, not lie around and waste her time doing little things for herself.

" hmm. Well then It seems that I have you all to myself." Abby said, in a happy but subtle tone.

" so what would you like to do? My love." Abby spoke, enjoying Claire's company very much. Pouring some tea for her.

" I dunno. It's up to you." Claire said in a plain and boring tone. Not finding much fun or pleasure in her life. Letting Abby decide as she took a sip of some tea. Cringing at the taste.

" what's in this?" Claire asked very bluntly curious to know of such off flavoring. Using her tea spoon to stir it around a little. Adding in some sugar on the table, finding the taste not to her liking.

Abby shrugged and said " nothing too vile. Mostly depression and a dash of hatred. Perhaps I added too much bitterness in it." Seeing Claire put the tea down saying " you put... raw emotions in this?" Seeing Abby nod. " why of course. Can't have tea without a bit of feelings." Seeing Claire say " I know what I'm going to do today. I'm going to take you to my friends restaurant in the city." Deciding to treat Abby.

" you know this as well as I do that I am not allowed in that is without permission from a High Class Official." Abby spoke, seeing Claire shake her head saying " my promotion is next week. I'll be officially promoted to being a High Class Official." Seeing Abby shake her head " than its best we'd obey the law till then." Not wanting to risk getting Claire into trouble.

" it's fine. Can't you just use a disguise? I know you can do it." Claire said, seeing Abby say " it's against the law to do such." Seeing Claire roll her eyes and say " oh come on. It's just for one day of tea. Be an angel, they won't even question you. We'll go in and out in a flash. We'll be less than 20 minutes tops." Trying to convince Abby.

" don't worry if we get caught I'll take the blame." Claire said, seeing Abby shake her head not willing to risk it.

This upset Claire very much so. To point where she let out " your a demon aren't you? Why don't you act like one?" Triggering Abby to psychically repel Claire into one of the pavilions pillars.

Claire let out a grunt, getting the air knocked out of her due to the sheer impact but she was still fine. Her armor protected her very well, since her armor was specially made to withstand heavy impacts and all other sorts of things.

" next time I'm going to put an enchantment on this." Claire said getting back up seeing Abby say " I doubt it would work against me and my power, but if you insist and intend to do so than I'd recommend my friend Helena. It'll only cost you 20 years of your life."

" great." Claire said sarcastically, but than sat back down across from Abby and sighed apologizing for what she said.

Claire was still very insist about taking Abby out. " I know. How about we play a game." Claire said, making Abby instantly perk up. She loved games.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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