Chapter IV

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Warning: Mild swearing
Enjoy (°'°)
(y/n)'s POV
Me and Meliodas stood there for a few moments looking at her. "Let's get the armor off of her and get her to bed." I said. Meliodas nodded and took the armor off of her since I can't really reach. Having deer legs and all. Once he took all the armor off he gave the girl to me. "Can you take her upstairs for me please (y/n)?" I nodded and picked her up bridal style. Walking up the stairs into a spare room. I Gently put her down onto the bed. Sitting in the corner of the room I waited for Meliodas. When he finally came upstairs he started acting like a perv. He leaned over the side of the bed and stared at her face"This sleeping face." He hopped over to the other side of the bed. "These curves." He smelled her "this smell." Then he started groping her boobs"this firmness..." Puting one hand on his chin he said "I knew it. It is a girl!" I could sense Hawks anger level rising "you knew that already, you scum bag!!" Hawk screeched. I just sighed. I could sense the girl waking up. I began to stand up. When she woke up and sat up. He was still groping her breast. They sat in that position for a a solid minute before she broke the silence. "Uh can I help you.. ?" He let go of her and turned to me and hawk. "Her heart beats regular." I face palmed "oh...thank you...I guess?" The white haired girl said. Hawk got even angrier "you fiend! Acting like you didn't do anything!!" The white haired girl looked around "where am I...? And how did I get here...?" Meliodas walked over to the window. "You can shambling into my tavern and suddenly fainted." "Tavern...?" She asked "The Boar Hat! It's my tavern." He paused for a moment "It's (y/n)'s tavern to. We both run it actually." Her eyes travelled from him to me then went straight back to him. It was pretty obvious that she hadn't noticed my ears yet. "You... two are the owners?" He pulled back the curtain. "Is there something wrong with that?" He took the curtain and started tying it up. "N-not at all!" She exclaimed. "But with that sheath on your back..." "Oh yeah!" "... I thought you must be a swordsman." He pulled the sword out of the sheath startling her. "Huh?" "The blades broken?" Meliodas held the broken blade up in the air "hehe. Did I scare you?" "The hilt alone makes people think it's a whole sword." He paused to display the hilt of the broken blade " This is what keeps people from skipping the bill at our place!" Puting it back it the sheath he continued. "All sorts of people come to a bar... So it's a tough job for an owner." "Yeah." I agreed "the only reason people don't try anything when it comes to me is because I'm half deer and they don't want to get impaled by my hooves." "Hooves?" The girl finally took notice of my appearance.

Elizabeth's POV
The girl from before agreed with the blonde haired boy. "Yeah the only reason people don't try anything when it comes to me is because I'm half deer and they don't want to get impaled by my hooves. Wait a minute. "Hooves?" I finally took a moment to take a good look at her appearance. She had dazzling (e/c) eyes, beautiful (h/l)(h/c) hair and (s/k) skin. I also noticed the less human part's of her instead of human ears she had soft looking deer ears and from the waist down she had a deer torso. "Yep!" She replied happily. I suddenly heard a voice come from the floor next to the blonde boy. "I feel more sorry for the patrons who get charged for the awful food you two serve ." It was a pig. My eyes widened in excitement when I realized that it was a talking pig. I hopped off of the bed and ran over to it. I quickly kneeled beside it and started petting it. "Awww! A talking pig!!"

(Y/n)'s POV
I wasn't mad at the girl for not noticing earlier. After all it's not every day you see a Cervitaur. When hawk spoke up her eyes widened in excitement. She quite literally hopped off the bed and ran over to Hawk. She started petting him excitedly. "Awww! A talking pig!!" She was practically glowing by now. I noticed that Hawks tail was wagging slightly like a dog. "The names hawk!" He introduced. "I asked my father for one for my birthday!" She exclaimed. "What's your pig's name?" Meliodas asked. She paused and looked sad. "I know! You must be hungry. If you want you can have a bite." Hawk looked startled. "What?!" The girl looked confused. "Of pork chan?" "It's not "pork" it's "hawk"!!" He exclaimed. "Sorry, but no. I meant some bar food. Hehe." "You ass... Don't say things that she'll misinterpret!" Hawk yelled. I face palmed. I had a feeling I was going to be doing that a lot today. "Oh boy."
867 words
It's out I got it out your welcome. I have a feeling that most of my chapters are going to be short. I'll still apologize for that. I hope you enjoyed see you in the next chapter. (°'°)

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