Missing Him

474 22 2

Responsible Adult Squad
Peaches: Bri
Bryan Stole My Name: Soren
Plants!!!: Coleus
Mothership: Kay
There's a BEE: Inpu
Scorpions, Man: Mevoda

Peaches: Oh my god

Peaches: The Moku kids ran away again

Mothership: Seriously??

Peaches: Those guys are going to be the death of me

Bryan Stole My Name: Why do they even do this constantly

Bryan Stole My Name: Like, what is the point

Peaches: Austin's cousin has been out on his own for years "doing fine" so now they think it's an acceptable answer for all of their problems

Peaches: Someone bullies Seek? Run away

Peaches: Colin failed at test? Run away

Peaches: Austin does literally anything? Run away

Peaches: You get the concept

Mothership: What's with people named Austin and running away

Peaches: Kay

Mothership: Sorry, too soon?

Peaches: Mhm

Plants!!!: ...Should we question that?

Peaches: Nope

Plants!!!: Got it

Heteronormative Exs
Peaches: Bri
Come at Me Bro: Xylo

Peaches: Can we talk

Come at Me Bro: Sure??

Peaches: Do you ever. Miss him

Come at Me Bro: Oh jeez

Come at Me Bro: What happened

Peaches: Nothing

Peaches: I just...really want to know if he's ok

Peaches: if ANY of them are ok

Peaches: A bunch of kids don't just disappear like that Xylo

Come at Me Bro: I know

Come at Me Bro: God, he probably hates me

Peaches: don't say that

Peaches: he doesn't hate you, he never has

Come at Me Bro: And how do you know that

Peaches: Because he was Austin

Peaches: He saw the best in everyone

Peaches: Even if they didn't deserve it

Come at Me Bro:

Come at Me Bro: Thanks

Come at Me Bro: Wanna come over and play video games? I want to hang out with you

Come at Me Bro: As friends of course

Peaches: Lol

Peaches: Why not, I'll be there in 10

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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