Vines and Tacos- It seemed longer in my journal.

525 9 14

             //1:00 AM//

BroccOWOli= Hello welcome to Chili's what can I get for ya?

BroccOWOli= UwU I'm listening to Melanie Martinez

LiteralRock= Midoriya are you hungry? Me and Kami are at Taco Bell :)

BroccOWOli= OoOoooOoo— Yeppity yep can I have the one with chicken? I'm in a chicken mood right now.


AngryPomeranian= CRAPPYHAIR GET ME THE FAJITA ONE- SPICY (eh sry I've never been to Taco Bell plz dun keel me)

BroccOWOli= Just like you Kacchan ;)

Korosensei= DID My BaBy BoY JUST fLiRT? Also if ya don't mind can I have a taco? Just get me whatever.

EmoBirb= Hmmm... could I please have a taco too? Veggies? Dark Shadow is hungry.

Pikachu= Kiri this is going to cost way more than we ThOt ;P

Invisifish= OMG— ARE YALL ON A DATE?

LiteralRock= :)

BroccOWOli= Two bro's chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz they're not gay.


Korosensei= AnD i OoP sKsKsK

AirPodsButBetter= I'm going to use a plastic straw just for that—

GravityFalls= Hi I'm Jared I'm 19 and I've NEVER FRICKING LEARNED HOW TO READ

AngryPomeranian= Just like IcyHot over here doesn't know how to flipping vine

IcyHot= ...correct

Invisifish= LoL BURN

IcyHot= *glares through screen*

Invisifish= ImeanLoLFREEZEplzdontkillme

Kermit= kero kero ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ

SpArKLeSpArKLe= ꧁sparkles꧂ Monsieur, we must tech you the sparkly ways of ze vines! Have a CrOiSsAnT~

ScotchTape= DoNt Be ShY hAvE sOmE mOrE

GrammarPolice= *Don't

Author-Chan= I jUsT uSeD uP ALL tHe ViNe QuOtEs I kNoW hALp— now I have to fix the fourth wall... oof RIP me peace out (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

FairyTail= Come pet my fluffy tail instead -_- Todoroki run save yourself

Pikachu= OoOoOOOo fluffy tail—

Korosensei= I, as an alien teacher, vow to edumacate Todoroki in the way of Milk and Vine

¯\_(ツ)_/¯= ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Octonaut= Even Koda agrees guys

EmoBirb= I never thought I'd say this but... Let the edumacation begin!

MOMo= I'll come too, I also want to learn vines it sounds fun! Plus I get to learn with bae <3 oh wait I'm a lebbian never mind——

Korosensei= Alrighty~~~

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