New Hive Member (Day 6)

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Jay wakes up, leaning up and sighs. His back was hurting a bit from laying on the stone bed. He rubs his back and groans in pain a bit.

"How do they find this comfortable?" He asked himself. He gets out of bed and drinks his bowl of water and then eats the raw meat.

This time he couldn't handle the raw meat and threw up in the other corner of the room, or opposite side of where his bed is.

"F-f*ck" he said holding his stomach as it was hurting, and had a bad acidic taste in his mouth from the puck. He downed the rest of the water that was left in the bowl.

A few minutes after that, Xena walks to his cell and looks at him "you alright?" She asked him.

"Y-Yea, m-my stomach" he said to her in a raspy pained voice. Xena nods and sighs.

"Well the Queen and the others are waiting for you" she tells him with her arms crossed and hips going to the left.

"W-why are they waiting for me?" He asked curiously. Looking at her and slowly walks towards the bars of the cell.

"Congratulations, you are now an official hive member!" Xena said smiling to him.

"R-r-really!?!" He said happily, now ignoring the pain in his stomach, though his face showed he looked happy and uncomfortable, so he's trying.

"Yep! Are you ready to come to the ceremony?" She said opening the cell door for him.

She was surprised by a tight hug from jay. She smiles and hugs back, purring happily "love you too jay" she said swaying her tail.

"Come on, let's go!" Jay said excitedly and grabs her hand and starts leading her down the hall, not knowing where to go so she just giggles and lets him until he is clueless.

Once getting to the main area he sees everyone sitting in rows and columns on the ground, since there aren't chairs they have to sit criss cross on the ground.

Xena smiles while staring at Jay as he watches in surprise. Then Xena leads him towards the back of the ceremony and then goes through the middle towards where the queen was waiting for them.

Jay walks slowly down the middle where he can see thousands of xenomorphs on the left and right side of him. Making him nervous. Xena was right behind him as he made his way to the front.

"Hello jay, nice to see you have decided to attend your ceremony" the queen said looking down at him with a smirk. The others chuckle even though it wasn't that funny but they found it a bit funny.

Jay chuckles awkwardly as he didn't know what was funny but tried to stay in the hive, and not lose what he's about to get.

He walks up to the queen and stops a few feet from her feet and bows, as well as Xena. This impressed the queen with how well Xena taught him.

Before she started her speech they both stood up and looked up at the queen.

"You did well Xena" the queen said to her and then looks at jay. "For all the hard work you've put into helping out the well as learning our ways even though you may or may not have enjoyed it, I think after a few good days you have earned the right to join our hive! If you choose too" she said to him with a smile.

Xena smiles and looks at jay as he stares at the queen's face with a blush and slight smile.

"Do you, Jay, accept to join our hive, to live with us? To help us defend and work together with us?" The queen asked him

Jay stood there staring at her, thinking of what he should do. He could join them and become mates with Xena, even though they may or may not be a couple. Jay doesn't even know. Or he could not accept and leave, or maybe get killed because they aren't going to risk their location being revealed, or even use him for food or a host.

"I-I accept!" He said after a moment of thought. Smiling, as he was happy with the answer he chose. He loves the xenomorphs even though their culture is a bit off to him, he wanted to stay.

"Then welcome to the hive! Jay" She said and takes off his shirt, marking his chest with a simple in the middle of his chest using her sharp claws to let everyone know he's a member of the hive even though he is not a xenomorph.

"Now turn around and show everyone your new symbolized scar," the queen said. Jay turns around and shows everyone, feeling a bit awkward.

Everyone claps for him and cheers, something he didn't expect so he smiles, now feeling welcomed to the hive.

"Now let's all celebrate with a little party" the queen insisted and they all quickly get the main area they were in into a party to celebrate the welcoming of Jay for joining the hive.

"A party too, alright!" Jay said to himself out loud, feeling excited.

Xena chuckles and looks at him "indeed a party...just for you" she said.

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