Untitled Part 2

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Claudia's POV

"Claud, what are you doing?"

"Umm, nothing? what are you darling"

"Do not darling me go clean whatever you broke"

As much as I love Mary she is impossible. I met her 3 years ago and we've been in love ever since. You would think that a quadbrid and a Nephilim hunter wouldn't get along you would be wrong. mary understands what it is like to be a freak, to be the only one of your kind.

I have a brother but it isnt the same he would rather study than go outside. Sometimes I dont believe that we are related but mom swears up and down. So there isnt much that I can say.

Even though theyre annoying I love them. 

I love driving across the country and ganking monsters with Mary and  Charlie.

I love talking about gossip with Aunt Devina and Aunt Rebekah.

I love cuddling with my twin and watching horror movies.

I love to hear mom talk about how similar me and dad are.

As much as I love being a Mikaelson sometimes the pressure is just too much. Everyone expects me to rip their throat out as soon as I see them. It hurts to see the fear flash across peoples face when I tell them my name.

Due to this I don't have many friends, not that I want them. I am very happy with my little group.

It can be hard to think that one day I might have to choose between the family I was born with and the family I made.

I know that Mary and Charlie can hold their own, but as Winchesters trouble finds them and I don't know if I can live with myself if it does.

I have a feeling that Uncle Kol would like Dean but unfortanintly they can never meet. Its not because he's a vampire its because there in two different dimensions.

Charlie has a certain back for opening portals, one day they decided to visit mine and the rest is history, I can still remember the day we met.


She was beautiful, a living goddess walking down the street.

He dark hair swished behind her in elegant curls and for a moment my heart stopped.

I some how work up the courage to talk to her.

"Hey I'm Claud do you wanna grab a drink?"

"tell me Claud why should I?"

"Well beautiful stranger, Im and Aquarious I enjoy long walks on the beach and frisky woman"

She lets out the most angelic *get it angelic* laugh I've ever heard.

"sure lets go"

*flashback over*

Then we started traveling through worlds together and meeting a lot of people.

Mom knows that I travel but no one else.

I wish I could stick my tongue down her throat everytime a guy hits on me.

I cant and its annoying, its annoying I have to go to another universe to be myself.

I don't wanna be the freak anymore.

But enough of my internal monologue I have to go clean up four vases.

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