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Back in the conference room the twenty-three friends applauded each other with pats on the backs and high fives. Regina and Helena embraced, and Leona Strong's pet lion roared louder than even Herr Kaiser could. Only Mirra Prestessi sat detached as usual.

Herr Kaiser, generous in the light of their success, allowed the excitement to die down naturally. Finally, with everyone back at their seats, eyes fixed on Herr Kaiser and eagerly waiting for direction, Mirra started to speak.

"Excuse me, I really don't want to spoil the moment but just for the record, I don't understand what you're all so emotional about."

"But Mirra," said Dora Bell turning her head with emphasis, her jewelry still sounding somewhat like the keys in John's pants pocket, "we reached them! It worked! We were right - with this darling John close by it's easy to get Julia's attention! Don't you see? Everything is going to be fine, she knows we're here now!"

Everybody uttered agreement.

"I said I didn't want to spoil the moment, but now I think being spoiled is all this moment needs! Have you all gone out of your minds? Let me be your memory for a second. Julia had a fleeting experience of honest self-reflection, that's what happened in a nutshell. If anyone wants a visual replay, I'm sure the book can handle that. So what do you think will happen next? Don't tell me you believe her life is changed forever by this single instance of clarity?" She looked provokingly around the table, daring her friends to disagree. Her eyes, the cold blazing steel of a subzero fridge, came to rest on Avi and she addressed him directly. "For you it's okay to be so naïve, that's who you are, but as for the rest of you, really, I'd be so disappointed if I had it in me. Let me tell you what's going to happen and I don't even need to check the book for that. Julia will push the whole thing below the threshold of her conscious mind before she's even back for dinner. That's what's going to happen!"

Senghe the Lion snarled, and Leona Strong spoke for the first time, "Senghe obviously sees the problem the same way. Maybe Mirra is right and there is too much stuff in the way for Julia to stay aware and not shut down again immediately. I mean we all have seen it numerous times, old habits die hard. We should think of something that'll make this experience stick. Something a bit more drastic perhaps, something she will not be able to shake off so easily."

"Er - maybe one of us could emanate a human self to create some - er - hands-on memory for lack of a better word," Avi suggested, the possibility of a new adventure overwriting his natural shyness with excitement. "I mean, for now we don't have to disclose who we are or anything, but it could give Julia a chance to stay connected to the experience."

"And how would you like us to go about that?" a nonchalant version of Mirra wanted to know. "Bumping into them 'oh hello I just dropped out of the sky dead center onto this huge private property and by-the-way nice to meet you too?'"

"On this one I'll have to agree with Mirra," said Herr Kaiser. "I'm sure it would make the afternoon memorable but I have an idea that this option will rather augment our problem than bring us closer to its solution." Giving the group proof of his still overall pleasant mood he added, "As in putting out fire with gasoline?"

Charmed by this rare attempt at socializing, he sounded a bellowing laughter that sent Senghe hiding underneath the table.

"How about using the Grandfather image?" offered Regina, taking advantage of her husband's soft moment. "After all, it works so well with John, he's already used to receiving our guidance in this manner."

"Splendid idea," said Dora Bell, her whole being one beautiful hymn of approval, "and it could create the opening for John to share his secret with Julia to renew that bond with her he's so desperately wishing for."

"Exactly exactly. So tell me, who's responsible for this unauthorized intervention anyway, now that we're talking about it?" interrogated Herr Kaiser with his usual sternness.

"Oh darling," Regina said all gentle and faintly smelling of Lily of the Valley, "John was so upset I decided there is no harm in comforting him this way. However, before your wrath gets the better of us I ask you to remember statute #13576 addendum 2.475 to 'Rules of Conduct in the Third Millennium'." Seeking reassurance she looked questioningly at Mirra, who responded with the smallest nod of her head. "In paragraph 3.3 you my dear stated clearly that this practice is legitimate in circumstances where psychic powers combined with a pure heart and genuine interest in the subject matter are present."

There was little even for Herr Kaiser to resist once his wife started to display her intoxicating Lily of the Valley features. Not that there was anything to resist anyhow. A rule is a rule and everyone needs to abide by it; he was no exception to the rules about rules. Especially when he was accountable for implementing them in the first place.

"Alright alright then. Let's do it," he grumpily agreed. After all even when surrounded by this most pleasurable of scents one has to stay clear-minded and true to one's style. "Ideas anyone as to what this Grandfather mirage should say?"

"As you know, I'm always in favor of keeping things simple," said Brian Liebermann, oblivious to the suppressed giggles of Regina and Helena. Even Mirra couldn't help but let her ancient-looking face crack into something resembling a smile at Brian's idealized view of himself. "So I think just a briefHello would be sufficient to achieve our goal for the moment."

"Agreed. Regina, if you please." With this Herr Kaiser officially sanctioned the plan.

"Does everyone want to watch or should Mirra and I just go ahead?" asked Regina, thrilled.

"But of course we'll watch, now that we have the luxury of Mirra's book," said Chester Magnussen, feeling slightly embarrassed at being reminded - and publicly nonetheless - that in Mirra's presence the services of his wand were superfluous and for show only. Secretly he could have sworn the book winked at him mockingly as he inserted his magic wand between its closed covers. But the consenting murmurs of the group restored his self-confidence, and the screen lit up once again.

Suspenseful silence filled the space as the assembly witnessed how Regina released a tender breath onto Mirra's dress. It was nothing like the breeze stirring the fabric whenever the book turned its pages in pursuit of the appropriate mark for a given moment in time, but rather resembled the barely visible disturbance the setting sun causes on the surface of a lake after a hot summer day.

Even the bright-green characters on the metal frame flashing 'omega-000.9-Sam' seemed muted as a resemblance of Grandfather Livingston appeared on the screen.

...and while to the uninitiated it might feel as if a long time has passed in discussion, we are asked to remember that because our friends are operating from an environment where time is of no consequence, Julia's big moment will not be lost like so many others before...

The Journeys of John and Julia: Genesis (Book 1) ~Complete~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ