Chapter 1: Hard as Metal, Weak as the Heart

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Born in ashes, trained for a war that was caused by utter greed and the will for survival.
Formed from the broken pieces of sorrow and grief one child will have to form her own destiny, destiny shall be determined by how far you're willing to go to win a bittersweet fight.
On planet Chromium, a planet that is run by technology, 2 brothers will meet a moment that will
change their lives forever.

Chapter 1: Hard as metal, weak as the heart
Maximus and Vullron, two brothers who are also princes of Chromium, began to argue on the top of the main capitol building which was gunmetal grey with neon blue energy running through it. "Brother our planet is dying, we need resources to survive" said Vullron nervously as he got up from a panel he was sitting on. His older brother Maximus looked annoyed and as he glared at Vullron he said " younger brother we are getting resources from some neighbouring planets that agreed to help us if we supplied them with weaponry". Vullron looked quite upset and as he moved his long black hair out of his pale face face and adjusted piece of his chest armour which was black and grey with hints of red energy , he decided to propose a idea " Maximus why don't we just colonize those planets and take all their resources, remember this is for our survival and if your gonna be next in line for the throne wouldn't you want to ensure our survival " vullron said as his blue eyes pierced into maximus's brown eyes. Maximus looked quite startled about Vullrons sinister tone but he didn't show how startled he was so he walked a bit closer to vullron as his red cape was almost brushing on the ground, he put his hand on Vullrons shoulder and he said " Vullron a true ruler does not hurt others to uplift themselves, that is honestly selfish of you brother"
Vullron took his arm off his shoulder and as he looked at Maximus and his shiny gold armour he kicked Maximus down " I'm selfish when you are the one turning your back on our planet and the same people that you are supposed to protect" Maximus gets of the floor and grabs his sword handle from a compartment on his back, he also grabs a disc from the same compartment. Maximus presses a button on the sword handle and a neon blue wide blade and shield appears from the handle and the disc"Vullron don't do this, mother is dead and father is on his deathbed let's please live in piece for his sake " Maximus looked a bit startled because vullron has always been very unpredictable. Vullron looked quite amused and he laughed a bit as he quickly pulled out his blaster and shot it at Maximus, Maximus uses his shield and protects himself from the attack. Maximus braced for another attack while he said " Vullron I do not want to fight so end this" Vullron grabbed a purple tipped knife and threw it at Maximus, which landed in his shoulder. Vullron ran towards Maximus and tackled him, Maximus then grabbed Vullron and tossed him on the floor. Vullron rolled on the floor and shot Maximus in his leg, the fight continued and as Vullron almost shot Maximus in the head but Maximus was able to hit him with his shield and slashed him in the chest. Vullron ended up escaping by using a smoke bomb that he formulated. Maximus looked relieved as he dropped down to his knees wondering to himself why.
8 years later
Maximus was telling a story to his 6 year old daughter Braith Ophell who had olive skin and long brown hair with loose curls " The evil brother started to fight the good brother but the evil brother escaped" Braith looked amused and asked for the next part of the story. Maximus smiled and continued to speak" the good brother felt sad because he lost his only sibling, while the evil brother built his army by protesting to the masses and causing a war but the good brother was able to win and the evil brother left forever leaving good brother and the people of happy land to live in peace"
Braith was very happy about the ending but wanted to know more so she asked " Daddy what happened after" Braith asked excitedly " Well you see good brother went on to marry the woman of his dreams and had a beautiful baby girl" Maximus replied as he kissed Braith on her forehead, he got up from his hologram stool and before he turned of the lights he said "Good night my little princess" . Maximus left the room and pressed a button which closed her door. Braith was a bit scared but her room was equipped with neon blue lights that were shaped like planets in the dark, as she looked through her window that was where her balcony was. She saw a shadow so she covered her face with her bed sheets . A voice could be heard and it was saying "Braith don't worry it's me and Phinda" Braith slowly moved her bed sheet from her face and she realised it was bulan and phinda which were apart of the royal maids and butlers who serve the Capital of Chromium as maids and butlers and also the army " follow us braith don't worry we don't bite" Phinda said struggling to hold in her laughter. As Braith held Phinda's hand they walked through a hallway that led to a room that looked like a mini arena with all types of weaponry. Braith was a bit scared because she thought they were going to kill her but she calmed as Phinada told her not to be worried, Braith liked Phinda's outfit because it was a black suit with sparkles and had pointy shoulder pads ,Braith was also playing with phindas high ponytail which reached to her calves . Bulan leaned in and asked Braith" do you want to be a warrior" Braith didn't really want to talk to Bulan since she didn't like his outfit because it was a regular suit and tie with crystals, but she answered and said " like the ones that daddy tells me about in his stories" Bulan and Phinda look at each other and burst out laughing as Bulan says to Phinda" So that's what he calls it stories" Phinda walks towards Braith in her 9 inch thigh high boots as she chuckled and said "yes a warrior from the stories" Braith looked happy and said" yes i would love to be a warrior who fights evil brothers!" quiet down Bulan said quickly. Braith still did not like bulan so she didn't really feel like listening to him but she did because she didn't want to get in any trouble. Bulan gave her a blaster that was chrome silver and had bright blue streaks as she grabbed it a hologram appeared and bulan said "shoot the hologram" As braith held the blaster she was confused but from seeing some of the people in training she knew where the trigger was but she missed her shot ,braith then tried six more times and she missed every single one. " the target is literally not moving how could you miss several times" Bulan said as he face palmed angrily " Bulan calm down she will get the hang of it and after all she is 6 years old and its her first time using weaponry, Braith lets try physical combat" Phinda said calmly. Braith looked at Phinda with such admiration and asked "whats physical combat" Phinda smiled and replied " physical combat is when you use your hands to fight so like this" phinda shows braith how to punch and braith copies her " see you did it " Phinda said happily, Braith seemed very happy and said " Yes i'm going to be warrior! a-a-and will i get to fight evil brothers" Phinda chuckled and said "Yes Braith you will fight many evil brothers"

Up next
Chapter 2: Blood and Rust

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