Chapter 2: Blood and Rust

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Chapter 2: Blood and Rust
12 years later
Braith was now 18 and she has trained for war since she was six, as she was in the training room she was fighting some  training holograms" Bulan this is easy, I thought I would have a bit of a challenge" Braith said as she dodged an incoming missile. As she roundhouse kicked a hologram and knifed it she then grabbed a blaster and missed 3 shots before one connected hitting the hologram on the shoulder . The hologram shot 2 mini missiles which she dodged by doing 3 backflips and she attempted to shoot the hologram again but she missed . The hologram ran at her and tackled her to the ground and was about the stab her but Bulan turned of the holograms and said " See your aiming is still as horrible as when you first started" Bulan looked so unamused by her aiming skills " Well I did get one shot in, so as far as i'm concerned I am getting better" Braith said which high confidence, she began to care for bulan more as she realised he just wanted the best for her." Well I disagree but what about your friend Zemnea, she is phenomenal at archery so maybe she could teach you a few things that I clearly can't " Bulan said with such a condescending tone as  he took a picture from the desk that was near him and  as he took a good look he realised it was him and Phinda" Sometimes I wish she never went on that mission or that I went instead because let's face it you always liked her more than me" Bulan said as a single tear fell down his face, Bulan always tried to put on A tough guy attitude but Braith realised that he actually does have a heart." She went on that mission because she wanted to protect the people of  jourghis from some creatures that were attacking them and she always cared for everyone before herself and I know she is not with us anymore but she will always be in our hearts " Braith said as her facial expressions were looking a bit down " cheer up young soldier she wouldn't want us to be crying she would want us to laugh like she always loved to do , remember the time she was testing out those bright red 15 inch heels and she tripped in some blue sludge"Bulan said as he and braith burst out laughing " that was a good moment ,but anyways Bulan my mom is requesting me so gotta blast old man" Braith said as she fist bumped bulan and walked out the training room which she wasn't supposed to be in because princesses were not supposed to learn how to fight but Bulan and Phinda still teached her. As Braith was walking down the hallway  she was thinking about all the good memories of Phinda and even giggling a bit, before she walked in her mom's sewing room she had to adjust herself because she had to act very mature and proper in front of her parents Maximus the King and Veron the queen. " Hello Mother, you have requested to talk with me," Braith said with a bit of an annoyed tone as she sat down in front of her mother's  sewing desk. " Yes darling I just wanted to talk to you about your duties as the princess of Chromium but before I do that let me get some pink and purple thread to continue sew into this suit" Veron said as she looked through her assortment of colours, She found the purple and pink thread and walked back to her sewing desk. Veron sat down with so much modesty said " So Braith you turned 18 last week and it's time for you take up your responsibilities of a princess, so tomorrow morning we will going out and and you will be giving a speech of hope as a princess should" Veron was extremely happy because she has been waiting to tell Braith this since she turned 18 last week." I even have this dress for you to wear" Veron added, As Braith looked at the dress she was appalled because it was green with gold shimmers and  a gold headpiece " Mom But I-I dont  really want to wear that or say a speech" Braith said very nervously awaiting what her mother would respond with. Veron chuckled a bit and adjusted herself in her seat, she began to stare Braith in her eyes and said" Braith you have no choice because this is your destiny to be the princess and future queen of Chromium, I used to just be tailor for the army and that's when I met your father and we fell in love" Braith was a bit confused and asked " If you don't mind me asking what does this exactly have to do with me " Veron got up and started looking for thread as she  spoke to braith" Braith when I became queen I was like you and didnt know how to be a queen but I learned how to and thats what Im going to do for you, does that sound like like a plan" Braith had tears in her eyes because she wanted to live her own destiny but she did not want to disappoint her mom so she answered" Yes mother I guess I'll live your destiny" Braith got up from her chair wiped the tears from her face and left the room" I love you Br-a-ith" Veron said as Braith continued to walk out of the room and closed the door. As braith walked outside of her home which is the main tower of Chromium, she called her friend on her techno watch " Zemnea can I come over " Braith said as she held her tears back" of course girl, is something wrong" Zemnea said with a worried tone " I'll tell you when I see you" Braith answered as ended the call to cry. As Braith walked to Zemnea's home she looked at the stars and the hover ships and the blue fluorescent lights that covered the city she felt a bit better. Zemnea was already outside waiting for Braith, when she saw her she ran and hugged her and said " Girl whats going on" Braith looked very happy to see her and said " My mom again" Zemnea brought her to a field near her house where she usually practices her archery. Zemnea had dark skin with locs that had bright green highlights . As they talked outside Braith was able to express how she felt and Zemnea was there to help her, Braith also asked Zemnea about aim and Zemnea got up from her seat and grabbed her bow and arrows that she hides under a piece of metal. " Aim is hard but it's all about controlling your body movements, when you aim you want to be still and be calm to get more accurate shots " Zemnea said happily as she helped braith up from her seat and said " You see that target board over there, that's gonna be our target practice" Braith observed very closely as Zemnea looked so focus yet calm , Zemnea shot the arrow right in the middle of the target board. " literally how are you so good at this " Braith said with a very surprised tone , Zemnea looked at her and smiled " now it's your turn " she said. Braith grabbed the bow and arrows and she nervously got an arrow from her quiver, she took a deep breath and shot her arrow hitting the very end of the board. Zemnea giggled and said " ok not bad now try again and remember to be one with your zen" Braith grabbed another arrow from her quiver this time more confidently and had better form this time, she took another deep breath and shot her arrow which didn't hit the middle but it was close. Zemnea was very happy and said " Yay girl you did it" Braith looked confused and said "But I didn't hit the middle" Zemnea laughed and said " girl of course you werent gonna hit the middle yet but you did very well and I know your going to be able to do it one day" Braith giggled and said" girl please". They walked back to Zemnea's house and Braith said" Well I gotta blast, back home to where I have no freedom" Zemnea hugged her and said " It gets better, who knows one day we can Run away to that planet called earth, My dad works for the satellite company here and he says they look like us so who knows" Braith smiled and said" hopefully that can be a reality, anyways bye Zemnea remember to tell your mom to make more of those cake things, they were bomb" Zemnea smiled and waved saying" Byeee and I will tell  her , be safe ".
As Braith reached home she was a bit more happy , she took the elevator to the 20th floor where her mom's sewing room to tell her how she truly felt. As Braith got out  of the elevator she heard a loud boom sound" What the hell is that" she said to herself as she saw her dad Maximus and he looked very scared and worried " Braith you and your mother will be taking a space pod out of here" He said, Braith did not know what was happening and responded saying" I'm not going anywhere until I know what's happening" Maximus looked perplexed and grabbed her hand, As they were walking down the hallway Maximus began to speak with more loud booms going of outside" Remember the stories I used to tell you as a child" Braith looked nervous and answered" Yes the one with the evil brother" she said as the tower shaked so hard that they nearly fell"Yes those stories, well Braith there real and the evil brother is my brother a-and they are back to end me and everyone that stands in there way" Braith was shocked that the stories that she was told from a young age were real, she quickly tugged her arm away from him and said " You could of told me " braith then ray in the other direction as Maximus screamed " No come back" As Braith was running she realised why Bulan and phinda were training her all her life, it was for this very moment. She got into the elevator and went to the top floor, as she stepped out and ran down the hallway she saw her mom getting into a space pod" Oh, there she is " Veron said as she stepped out of the pod and hugged Braith " Lets go, We have to get out of here " Braith hugged her mom tight then let her go and said " Mom my destiny is not yours and I'm going to fight for my planet, This is who I'm meant to be a warrior!" Veron looked at her with shock and said " No I will not allow that" Veron had tears in her eyes and  the tower shaked knocking her to the floor " majesty we must get you out of here" said one of the royal guards. Braith said "sorry mom" as she ran out the room" Get her now please, I can't allow my baby to die" veron said in agony. Two guards went to chase Braith and the other 2 guards grabbed Veron and put her into pod as she struggled and screamed" sorry majesty we have to get you to somewhere safe" Veron banged on the pod glass with tears running down her face as the guards press the button and the escape  pod blasted in the air and got her out of Chromium. As the two guards catched up to Braith she twisted one of their arms and kicked him in the face, the other guard tried to grab Braith but she roundhouse kicked him. Braith ran to the main balcony to see what was happening and she saw  many jets and bombs destroying her city, with soldiers below fighting for the capital of Chromium. She took her brown curly hair out of her braid and dropped to her knees in despair as her hair was flowing in the wind buildings were falling and her people were in danger. Braith got up of the floor and said " I know what i have to do"

Chapter 3 : Capital Of Chromium (coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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