Chapter 2: Sun and Moon

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A long time ago. Two Princesses were born to Queen Galaxia and King Cosmos. One, the eldest named after the heavens Princess Celestia. One named after the night sky and glorious moon, Princess Luna. The King and Queen could not be more joyous than to receive such a special gift, especially in these hard times. After all, it was only a few moons ago that Queen Galaxia had to banish her own sister. Queen Galaxia vowed that no pony ever would have to go through the pain that she felt. So she was determined to give as much love equally to both of her precious daughters. They would be equally talented in magic, and both be rulers of Equestria. She hoped, that one day Equestria would remain united for thousands of years to come. 

Celestia: I can't believe I have a baby sister!! Hi whittle little Luna, awe she's so cute!!

Galaxia: Indeed she is. Tia, you must promise me. That you will love her no matter what. 

Celestia: Of course!!! Who couldn't love such an adorable baby unicorn?

Luna: ta

Celestia: She's trying to say my name!!! T-i-a...t-i-a. 

Luna: Ta

Celestia: No..T-i-a. 

Luna: Ta!!!

Celestia: T-I-AAAA

(Luna cries)

Galaxia: She'll learn to say your name another day my dear. 

Celestia: Okay (disappointed)

Dear diary, today Luna didn't know how to say my name correctly. It made me sad. I hope she can learn it tomorrow. Anyway mom and dad are planning a celebration of birth for Luna. I can't wait! There's going to be cake!! 

                                                                            Your's truly, Princess Celestia. 

Celestia: What kind of cake are we making?

Galaxia: A wonderful double midnight chocolate fudge with chili pepper frosting!!!

Celestia: EWWW

Galaxia: And a delicious vanilla cake with rainbow sprinkles and frosting for us!!!

Celestia: YAY!!! Why does daddy like that gross cake so much???

Cosmos: Because it's not gross! It's the best cake ever!!! Isn't that right whittle little Luna?

Luna: Ga!

Cosmos: That's right, this little one, is going to love the cake as much as I do!!

Galaxia: I'm sure she will. Now I need you to stop moving Celestia, so I can fix your hair. 

Cosmos: I think it looks fine. 

Galaxia: This is a special occasion, we all need to look our very best. The celebration starts soon, as soon as the moon rises to the highest point. 

Luna: MOO!!!

Cosmos: That's right, moon my little night goblin!!! Tickle, tickle, tickle!!

(Luna laughs).

Celestia: When can Luna and I start practicing magic together?

Galaxia: When she's a little older. There, perfect you are ready. Cosmos dear, did you give Luna a bath?

Cosmos: A what?

Galaxia: A bath. 

Cosmos: Um

Galaxia: Don't tell me you forgot!!!

Cosmos: I didn't forget, she just didn't need one. 

Galaxia: Yes she does! Quickly now!! We only have a few minutes before we need to meet our subjects!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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