Chapter 7

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Warnings: mentions of a nightmare (is that a warning? idk but whatever)

I woke up early the next morning, wanting to do something nice for Sebastian. I decided on making breakfast, blueberry muffins to be specific. 

*timeskip to like 40 minutes later*

beep! beep! beep! My timer went off as I retrieved the muffins from the oven. I had just finished setting them all on a plate when Sebastian came downstairs.

"What is that amazing smell?" he asked sleepily.

"I made-"

"Muffins!" he shouted excitedly. "Yes!"


"What kind?" he looked like a kid on Christmas.

"Blueberry..." His face lit up and he broke into a huge grin. I raised an eyebrow.

"Care to explain why you're this worked up about muffins?" I asked.

"I just haven't had them in forever and they're really good and blueberry muffins are my absolute favorite and they're MUFFINS. Need I explain further?" he rambled.

"You sound like Amara," I chuckled.

"Can I have a muffin?" he pleaded.

"Go ahead, I made them for you." His grin got even bigger if possible before he snatched a muffin off the plate and began devouring it like his life depended on it. I laughed, shaking my head and grabbing a muffin.

"Ok, these are the best muffins I've ever had," Sebastian said with his mouth full. I pretend glared at him.

"I'm glad you like them, but don't talk with your mouth full!" I scolded. He pouted.

Sebastian's POV

I've been looking at puppies. I want to get one for (Y/N) because she's here all alone for most of the day and it can get boring, plus once the pup gets older it can protect her if anyone tries to break in. 

I was scrolling through a website that showed me rescue puppies up for adoption. A black German Shepherd puppy caught my eye. I clicked on his picture and more information popped up. He was found in a dumpster with 3 sisters and 2 brothers. He was the last puppy up for adoption, and he was perfect for (Y/N). And the people fostering him only lived an hour away! I made arrangements to pick the puppy up next Friday. I was so excited.

"Whatcha looking at?" (Y/N) asked, looking over my shoulder to try and see my screen. I shut my computer.

"Nothing." She looked at me, confused. 

"Okay... anyway, I was wondering if I could hang out with Amara next Friday?"

"Yeah of course!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

"Thanks... and why are you being weird?" she questioned suspiciously.

"I'm not being weird."

"Whatever you say."

(Y/N)'s POV

Sebastian is being weird, like he's hiding something from me. But the last time he acted this way was right before he took me to see Amara. So I guess I'll just trust him on this and let it go.

*later that night*

I woke up from the horrible dream sobbing, trying to calm my pounding heart. I heard heavy footsteps coming closer to my room and I pressed against the wall, looking for as much support as possible.

Sebastian opened the door and I relaxed slightly. He took in my tearstained face and rapid breathing and rushed to my side. 

"(Y/N), are you ok?" he asked worriedly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I had a dream that you were hurting me because I was too quiet and it made you mad because I wouldn't say what you were doing wrong," I mumbled so quietly he almost didn't hear it. He sighed and crawled into my bed next to me.

"I would never hurt you, you know that, right?" He stared at me intensely. 

"I know." I whispered. "And you're not doing anything wrong."

He put his arm around me and I flinched before relaxing into his touch. The sound of his steady breathing comforted me and I slowly started to drift off, still leaning on Sebastian. I felt him kiss my forehead before whispering "Goodnight (Y/N)."

Sebastian's POV

I woke up to (Y/N) crying and thrashing around in her bed. I got up and ran to her room, seeing her awake, her chest heaving. I noticed tearstains on her cheeks and rushed over to her.

"(Y/N), are you ok?" I asked, worried that someone might have hurt her.

"I had a dream that you were hurting me because I was too quiet and it made you mad because I wouldn't say what you were doing wrong," she said so quietly I just barely caught what she was saying. I sighed and sat next to her on her bed.

"You know I would never hurt you, right?" I asked, staring at her.

"I know." She paused before adding, "And you're not doing anything wrong." I don't know why, but hearing those words felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. I put my arm around her and she flinched. I almost took my arm away but then she leaned into me, making me smile. She fell asleep in my arms a few minutes later. 

"Goodnight, (Y/N)," I whispered, gently kissing her forehead. 

After a while, I started to feel drowsy too, but I didn't want to fall asleep. Eventually I was so exhausted I started to get up to go to my room, but then (Y/N) made a small sound and put her arm around me. She looked so peaceful and I knew if I got up I would wake her.

I guess I'm sleeping in here for the rest of the night. (Y/N) was right, this bed is really comfortable.

I relaxed and gave in to my need to rest.

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