part 11

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When i was done paying for the gifts i went to look for them i saw them sitting in a bench talking to each other
You -hi again
Kat and oli-omg y/n where were you
You-umm buying some stuff but you guys cant see
Kat and oli- ok
You-so now that we are done shopping what should we do
Kio-we should hangout in some ones house
You-that sounds like a good idea and we should invite mattia kai and ale
Oli-ok but we havent talked to them since we hanged out with kio and he was flirting with cynthia🤢
You-who cares we have to talk to before we start school tommorow again and it gets awkward
Katie-well yeah and they are going to pick us up everyday
Olivia-everday we have school even if there mad at us or were mad at them
You-yeah so kio I will meet you in front of the school to show you around
After we left to the mall we passed to the store to get snacks and went to my house because my parents werent home and it was big when we got there i texted the boys if they wanted to come over
You-hi guys
You-want to come to my house and watch movies with us
Mat-and who is "us"
You-its me, katie,olivia,kio,chris,and, alex
Kai-who is chris and alex
You-some friends of kio
Mat-how and where did you meet them?
You-well i met them at the carnival and kio inroduced them to me and the girls
Mattia-ok we will go over there in 10 min
You-ok perfect

Mattias pov
When y/n texted me and the boys i was with cynthia but she was in the bathroom i wanted to take cynthia with me but then i didnt because she got annoying but finally i decided to take her after i picked kairi and ale up i started to drive to y/n's house

My Bestfriend/mattia polibioWhere stories live. Discover now