Hidden Room (Newtmas)

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(Include Smut)

Pov Newt

I was sleeping really peacefully untill I heard a paniced voice and someone shaked my shoulders. I jumped and waked and looked in the beautiful eyes from Tommy.

We already shared a few kisses. It all stared as he ran in the stupid maze to Alby and Minho to help them or whatever.
As he came back I graped him and pushed him in the wall started insulting him for leaving me just like that. I even slapped him. I was so scared of losing him. I waited all night infront of the doors to the maze, jumped at every noise. I was so scared he could die.
Thats why I didnt even think and just smashed my lips into his. We had a cute little time but never talked about what happened just kissed few times and cuddled very much.

He didnt know why I was so scared of the maze... . He didnt know about Jack. My first real love. He died infront of my eyes in the maze, killed by a griever.
Man I really didnt want to fall in love again. Especially not with a damn runner.
But life saw a different way for me and send me this cute little idoit.

Well sadly it didnt last long. We got into a fight. I was mean to him cause I was unsure how he felt and stuff and just didnt wanna lose him.
In the end what I said hurted him so much he ran with Minho in the maze and me after them but they send me back, saying we need time to calm.
I was crying and leaning on a wall in the maze and ended up falling alseep. Luckily I was covered in some plants growing there so no griever could see me.

As I got woken up from Tommy I fast mumbled any excused about how sorry I am for being such a shuck and didnt mean it and I just wanted to explain myself.
He just stormy hugged me so we stumbled a little back and in surprise I hugged back and happy burry my face in his neck, smelling his adorible smell.
Then we could just hear a low bang. The maze doors closed. That was the moment I noticed where we are.
Thomas went a little pale and pulls away and looked panicing around. "Okay okay calm down explain it later okay?" he said.

My eyes were just wide in shock and my face unhealthy pale and started shaking as a rain of memories drowned me in pain. I teared up but jumped out of it as Tommy made me look at him.

He softly cupped my cheeks and whispered soft " Hey, hey look at me its okay. I need you now to listen to me okay?"
I shakily noded and he went on walking " Newt I love you okay?
I dont care we just met and barly know each other. I just feel like I have known you for ages. All I know is that I love you so much that I would die for you!
Now I need you to be strong and calm for me or it will get worse.
Even I you dont love me back I needed to say it before we might die but I promise you I will do everything thats is needed to be done to get you out of this!"

I was in shock. He loves me too! I acctually calmed at this and let it sink in. I cupped softly his face and whispered "I love you too Tommy. So much I will do all the same things for you so look after youself or I am gonna be really angry." I had scared teary eyes and of course was joking at the last part. We both know now I would do anything dumb like he always... like Jack some years ago. Its crazy how similar and different they are at the same time.
He smiled and laughed a little. "I will get us out of here Newt! I promise!"

We broke apart as we heard the horrible noise from a griever. Tommy reacted fast and pulled me in some vines. Our bodys where pressed together so you couldnt see any of us. His body was infront of mine. He really wanted to protect me with his life. I desparringly tried to be as small as possible and pressed Tommy even thighter on me so he is hidden best as possible. I wispered with teary eyes " I love you Tommy" and kissed soft his cheek. He kissed me so we both hold our breath as the griever slowly walks by.

It felt like hours as the griever finally was gone and Tommy slowly pulled away. I was so overwhelmed from the happiness that we both are still alive I stormy hugged him.
After some time we broke apart and he grapped my hand and pulled the through the maze.
I pushed all my thoughts away and just focused on Tommys hand in mine and how we come out of this alive.
Tommy was all the time so protective over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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