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I tried to wiggle out of their reach but they were to fast.

One of them who was similar in size to their leader,but had chocolate brown hair, grabbed me while another one gagged me with a cloth, and tied my hands and legs with a rope that came out of nowhere.

Mister brown hair lifted me on to his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and they started moving.

I was hanging upside down over someones shoulder and I felt a little dizzy.

I'm sure it's because of my position and the fact that I was so hungry I could eat a horse.

I kept swaying and swaying until I accepted darkness to take me away.

I woke up on a hard surface. My back was as stiff as ever even stiffer than my bed back at home.

Ahh..... Home

I never thought I would say this but I miss my home.

Even though my parents used to hit me, I'm sure they still had some love in the hearts that I'm pretty sure are burnt from all the alcohol and drugs they use

Still I know they love me.

They don't love you sweety

Stop brain. Just because your my only friend doesn't mean you can  say that.

Pttsss. You know very well that they don't give a rats ass about you.

You know what brain, go to your room. Think about what you've done.

I know I'm childish but I don't remember uttering a single cuss word before.

But when I think about it, it's true. I'm not sure my parents will even notice I was gone. They never cared. The only time we spoke to one another is when they are hitting me or insulting me.

I never had that chat with my mom. You know that chat.
The one about you know the girly stuff and you get it.

And unlike most girls whose dads go ape shit when they bring home their boyfriend's. My dad wouldn't give a rats ass if I got raped.

Not like I've had a boyfriend before. Heck my knowledge about boys is as limited as the juice in a dried coconut.

I haven't spoken to a guy in years.

Well apart from my dad.

I haven't even yet started--
My internal musings were interrupted with a slap.

Yup you heard right. A slap.

How deja Vu

"Look at me you bitch". I turned to see the guy who I think is the second in command.

I stared into his brown eyes for a while. He kept snarling at me. After a long time of just staring at each other he finally spoke.

"Who are you and what we're you sent for" .

I lowered my gaze out of fear as I started shaking. I was so scared I'm sure my panties were soaking.

A loud slap came from the room as my head whipped to the other side. Yup I was slapped again.

My cheek stung and my eyes became a bit foggy. I cried out in pain as tears started gliding down my face.

I have been slapped many times but this was from an experienced person. All the others were sloppy. But this was calculated perfectly.

The sudden pain from my scalp made me know that my hair was being pulled. " I won't repeat myself" came the gruff statement from my punisher.

"My name is Molly and I wasn't sent for anything. I run away from home and passed out in the forest. I'm really sorry. Please let me go" I cried out in a shaky voice barely above a whisper.

"You expect me to believe that cock and bull story. Do I look like an idiot to you. Well then, I guess we will do this the hard way".

With that said, my torture began.

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