Long Time No See, eh? ~Meaghanne

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Okay, so we haven't uploaded in like.....forever. Lol. Actually, we haven't done anything for awhile! You'll have to forgive us though, because you see, we don't go to the same school anymore. Here come the tears!!!! So, I've decided enough is enough, and I'm posting!

Okay, so school has been, eh. We've started our school Christmas play! It's called The Gospel According to Scrooge and we're all supposed to have British accents. My part is Mrs. Cobbler, the maid.

The guy we have playing Scrooge is this guy named Josh. He's super funny, but SUPER annoying too. In the last scene, he kisses the maid on the cheek when he gives her the Christmas present....its awkward. Especially since instead of faking it, he actually does it. *sigh* my life.

I'm almost failing Biology! Lol. But seriously, my teacher doesn't like me. I'm doing super good in my other subjects though. Geometry is a pain in the butt. I mean seriously! When am I really gonna use proofs in life! Grrrr.........

On my gosh! So, my friend Logan, he's slow in the insult and sarcasm department. Well, he's a bit slow in the funny department. The way he says things though can be quite amusing though. Like, the other day, we were talking about how I don't drink pop and he goes, "Big Blue and Mountain Dew are the greatest things since like.......Jesus." He said it with the most serious face. It was quite priceless.

Ooooh! I also have a new addiction.....its CANDY CANES!! I'm serious. I've never had a cavity, but at the amount I'm eating them, its only a matter of time.

Okay, so my mom....totally hilarious. She went shopping and got this Thomas the Train tent for my younger cousins and she came home saying, "Meaghanne! I got the boys a Thomas the Tank tent for Christmas!" I was like, "Thomas the TANK?" Lol. Oh, and a few months ago we were shopping and saw a Perry the Platypus t-shirt. She screams out super loudly "MEAGHANNE, ITS AN ANGRY BIRDS SHIRT!" lol, the looks we received.....

Anyways, I must depart, dearies! Ciao for now!


Hey Sabrina and M'Aleigh, we NEED to come up with a schedule or something for this! lol. Oh! and we "totes" need to hang out sometime and get caught up in each others business! lol, luff you! morethanyouluffme!

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