The Games are on!!!

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The games are getting closer, we still need to find our boy tributes so please share and spread the word because once we have all our characters the minute we can get this started, each District will have a page or two to introduce the tributes so here are questions i would like the Girls and the Boys to answer, please PM Me these, add me as a friend so we can work on this together.

~~~Game Makers!!~~~
What are your intentions? 
What do you want the games to be like? 
Do you have a soft spot like Seneca? 
Are you rebellious like Plutarch?


Name of the tribute: Your name or a fictional name?
Did they volunteer or chosen at the reaping?
Background information:- Tell us about their family, their lifestyle, any hobbies or did they have a job? 
Do they have any special training?
What do they think about the games?

Please be as creative as you like about them, even if you tell me something like their favourite colour or do they have something they always carry with them that would kill them if they lost it.
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Escorts:- Ever fancy being like Effie Trinket? We already have a D1 escort but it is easy to sign up just answer these questions:

Name: Again it could be your name or a fictional name.
Beliefs: Do they believe in the games? Do they get chills at the reaping when the video plays?
Background: What kind of person are they? Do they get attached to the tributes or have they got to the point where they don't want to get attached incase the tributes don't survive?

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(We have: 1, 11 & 12)

Are they a past victor? Or maybe the Victors in your district are dead and they had to choose someone with particular experience or your from 13 who have no victors? 
Background: Do they have any special skills? Are they loved or do they have a dark past and a bad reputation.

Stylists, wardrobes and sponsors: 
Do they come from the Capitol? 
Maybe they survived the rebellion? If so were they tortured or what happened to them?
What is their lifestyle like?

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