Chapter 3

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Shannon's POV
"Leroy?" I spoke softly into the phone.

"Hi Shannon, I just just touched down at the base. I was just about to call you... everything okay?"

"Emily... she-um- we're here at the hospital." I mumbled.

"Hospital...? Is Em okay? Shannon! What happened!" I could hear the fear in Leroy's shaky voice.

"She'll be okay. But she
may never play soccer again." I groaned.

Kelly's POV
I sat next to Emily on her bed. I held her smaller hand in between my larger hands.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Em." I sighed.

She let her head fall backwards and it rested on top of the pillows.

"I'll never be able to play soccer again, Kelly!" She sobbed.

"Hey! You don't know that!" Tony frowned. "The doctors said if the surgery goes good, you'll be back to playing soccer in less than a year!"

"Less than a year!" Emily groaned, burying her face in her hands.

"Less than a year is good Emily! You'll be out on the field again before you know it!"

Emily's POV
How could this have happened? I really hurt my knee. I tore my ACL tendon. My anterior cruciate ligament, in the knee, it hurts like hell and it's swelling. The doctors think I've hurt it that bad.... I'll need surgery to repair it.
And if the surgery isn't 100 percent... I'll never play soccer again! Mom re-entered my room.

"I was talking to your dad, he's extremely worried about you, Em. But I assured him you're going to be okay." She sighed. "Your coach called to see how you were doing! You scored the winning goal!"

"I did?" I let my hands drop from my face.

"You did!" Mom smiled and brushed away my tears with her hands. "You're going to get that surgery and you're going to wake up... 100% later on, okay?"

She smiled, but tears pricked her eyes.

"Steve, Danny. Do you guys have anything to say before Em gets her surgery? Tony. Kelly?" Mom patted my right thigh and looked around at my siblings.

"Just that we'll be here when you wake up." Steve smiled.

"Yeah," Danno added. "Don't worry about it Em, you'll be as good as new in no time!"

Tony and Kelly added a few things but before I knew it I was being sedated and being brought in for surgery. 

Kelly's POV 

"What are you all smiles about?" Tony peered over my shoulder.

"Nothing, you nimrod, stop looking at my stuff!" I groaned, pressing the picture I was holding close to my chest.

Secretly, I had a boyfriend and his name is Michael. Michael is really great. I've only told Emily about him, because dad would have him scared off! And mom... well she's awkward with all that stuff. She teaches him English language arts! She'll probably embarrass him or something... so who else was I supposed to tell other than my little sister? Emily's totally cool with Michael! 

"Seriously though Kelly, let me see!" Tony reached for the picture.

"Tony! Stop!" I whispered.

"Tony stttoooppp!" He imitated me. "I'll stop when you let me see!"


"Oh is it a secret? Someone's got a secret!" 

"Tony! You're literally the most annoying brother." I growled. 

If I told Tony, he would have leverage over me! He'd get anything he wanted from me because all he'd have to say is 'I'll tell mom and dad..' And I'd give him what he wants. I soooo do not do well with blackmail. 

"Is it a boy?" He smiled, inching closer to me. "Is it a boy?" 

He laid his head on my shoulder acting all love sick and then making kissy faces and kissy noises.

"Alright!" I gave in. "It's a boy."

A smile crept across my face thinking about Michael! Words didn't even begin to explain how I felt about him! He's the Romeo to my Juliet! The Clyde to my Bonnie! Tony's annoying voice ripped me from my thoughts.

"You're swooning." He groaned, Lifting up the picture that was pressed against my chest while I wasn't paying attention. "Over Michael Grey?"

"Yes," I sighed. "Isn't he the coolest?"

"He's the quarterback on my football team. He's about the biggest jock I know, Kelly." Tony groaned.

"Well you're not the one dating him now are you?"   

"No... that's gross, Kelly." He pretended to urge. 

"Just don't tell mom and dad!"

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