Chapter 3

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Waking up the next morning, Ciel yawned as she looked around her room. She noticed that her curtains were still closed, sighing she slide out of bed. Walking over to her closet, she picked out her outfit. As she got changed she walked over to the mirror and brushed her hair. Sighing she walked out her room and through the halls of the manor, looking at the pictures on the wall. Not looking at where she was going, she stumbled forward. Bracing for impact she squeezed her eyes shut, only to open them. To feel herself falling into someones arms she looked up at the person who caught her. To her surprise it was Mey Rin, her clumsy maid.

"Are you alright m'lady? That would have been an awful fall, yes it would have," Mey Rin said helping her stand up.

Nodding Ciel, brushed herself off and looked up at her. "What task has Sebastian given you today," she questioned looking at the shoe polish.

"He told me to cleans the stairs," Mey Rin answered quickly, standing up straight. "Why do you ask m'lady."

Pointing to the shoe polish, she informed her, "Because that's shoe polish."

Looking at the polish in her hand, Mey Rin gasped and quickly retreat to got re-clean the stairs.

Sighing once more, Ciel pinched the bridge of her nose and continued her journey through the halls of the manor. Stopping at a window, Ciel looked out at the garden hoping it would cheer her up. Gasping she opened the window, and yelled out to Finnian, "What the hell are you doing?"

Finnian looked up to the window, putting his hand over his eyes so he could see. Seeing who it was he frowned and looked at the garden and started to cry. "I used the extra strength weed killer again cause I thought if I used less it wouldn't kill the flowers."

Sighing Ciel shook her head and looked at him, "Just try and fix it will you."

Finnian looked at her, rubbing the tears out of his eyes and smiled. "Yes m'lady," he smiled, waving as he went back to his work.

Closing the window Ciel was just shocked. "Is this really what Sebastian deals with everyday," she mumbled to herself and walked to the kitchen.

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