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"I can't wait to see you soon!"

Those words were spoken in a kind, earnest tone. By a woman, small in stature, with beautiful dark hair that was impossibly long. She smiled, warmly, like a mother should. And yet Senji felt something else entirely. It made her skin crawl, set her hair on end. The woman continued to speak, but her words were lost. Mixed into other things. Cruel things.

"This house won't take care of itself, dear."

"Come back, you little whore. I'm waiting."

"How dare you leave us to suffer like this."

The voice changed, switching between that soft motherly voice and a deep and gravelly one. Her mother's eyes shifted from deep brown to blue. Something held Senji in place. Two large hands, pushing past her boundaries. Two small hands, around her throat. 


Her voice struggled to come out, as her mother squeezed the air from her lungs. The man's hands kept up their advances, and her vision faded out.


Senji gasped and practically jumped out of her dream. Her hands flew to her neck, while she looked wildly around the room. Empty. Warm. The early morning sun peaked in through thick curtains. After her surroundings were confirmed, she dropped back onto her futon and waited for her heart to slow. This was just one of many nightmares that robbed her of sleep all night, but it was arguably the worst one of the bunch. 


The young woman choked out the question, already knowing the answer. Her family had called her after class yesterday. The exchange program ended in a few months, so she'd be going back home. She managed to delay it a bit by taking on summer classes, but that only bought another month and a half. It was not something she looked forward to.

"Hey, quit it!"

"Now you listen ..ere..you litt-"

Senji took a deep breath, then rolled out of bed. Her clock showed just past eight, far too early for her on a day off. She stretched her sore back and gave up her last hopes for some rest. Sliding on her last pair of jeans, and her jacket over her tank-top, she prepared to tackle her to-dos for the day. She dumped her bag out and put in the neat stack of documents from her desk. Next were shoes, then out the door. She'd get breakfast while she was out.

The shouting of her neighbors got more intense as she shuffled up to the door. She knocked, but it went unheard. Feeling very impatient, she flung open the door.

"What the hell is worth fighting so loudly about at eight in the god damn morning!"

She shouted at the three young men, briefly forgetting just how rude her actions were. The three men were stunned into silence, frozen in place. Any other time, the scene before her might have been hilarious. Ashiya held Urushihara by the collar, while Maou looked over them in his underwear like some bigshot boss. Ashiya recovered first, dropping Urushihara onto the floor.

"Oh. I-I am so sorry. We didn't mean to wake you. I sincerely apolo-"

"What the hell, man! I don't even know what's-"

"I don't care if you hate each other, just learn to respect other people's peace. God damn," Senji tossed her bag aside and headed for the sink. She pulled the foil covering off, and ran some water through the pipe. Next was the bucket of cleaner and sludge, which she dumped outside.

"At least you could do something about that mop on your head," Ashiya continued to berate his shut-in roommate while Senji worked. She had no clue what the point of their squabble was at all. "Even Miss Senji takes care of her hair, and she's very busy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2020 ⏰

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