Attacking Dr.Destructo Chapter:6

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Dr.Destructo's POV

I,the great,great,great Dr.Destructo,will let everyone in the growtopia universe know that I'm the ruler,not @Seth or @Hamumu!!Muahahahahaha!!"Ummm...boss?I think they know you're behind this."AgentSwitch answered softly."Of course they know,or else who except me can be such so,destruCTIVE!?!hahaha!!"I laughed loudly.Who knew ruling the world could be so much fun?

@Styx's POV

Why must Dr.Destructo be so crazy?Why can't he become a good moderator like us,@Lokster?"Idk cause he always wanted to be the first who creates growtopia.He's the enemy,can't you see?"Lokster replied."He should be like us.Kind,Passionate,etc."I spoke.Lokster said"Don't care if he's good or not.We must still defeat him!"He was right.We moderators have to find a way to defeat Dr.Destructo!

AgentSwitch's POV

I was walking back up to my room floor when I spotted master AssassinLemon,Ezilemon.He said,"Come with me."And I followed.I followed him all the way back to the AssassinLemons' base.He settled down with one of his best AssassinLemons,Arno Kenway Lemon.He said,"I tracked you calling contacts all the time during work and I also followed you home.You called Dr.Destructo.Why?And you went to meet him right?Why?".I was stunned.How'd they find it out so fast?Sweat started pouring down my forehead as I used my hands and wipe even though I wear a fedora.I started to talk,but no words come out from my mouth.I was ashamed.No,worse than ashamed.Petrified.Ezilemon said I had to be sent to the lemon force field jails.I was upset.I never should've worked with Dr.Destructo.

Ezilemon's POV

I sent out a team of new recruited AssassinLemons to take AgentSwitch to his jail cell while the others when to get Dr.Destructo.AgentSwitch told me that the cellar password was printed on the bottle with the name,DESTRUCTO.But the password was the switch over,which became OTCURTSED.💫We split into 2 teams of four.I was leading the young recruits while the senior ones are on the other team.When we went into the room,it was empty.Uh oh.Looks like Dr.Destructo has went out for some destruction.

@Lokster's POV

Why must Dr.Destructo appear now?We are still in the middle of a fight with The Yeti and out comes another challenger,Dr.Destructo.But,soon we will defeat him with the power of the moderators and the AssassinLemons!

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