Chapter 5

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"Well, I came here before you somehow, but the freshman kid," Weichi began as she pointed towards Lu Xia, "he looked like he had been running around looking for what I guess was his racket bag." He nodded as she began to explain it thoroughly... 

"Didn't he have it though when we first started practice?" Siyang asked. Weichi could only nod. 

"He did, but then that kid, the one you told to run laps did something. My guess is that he probably hid it somewhere. He challenged the freshman to a match, and this is the result. The thing is that the racket he's using isn't fully usable, but it seems he's able to make it work. Um..." Weichi explained. 

Siyang just nodded as he listened to her explanation, while Dachi overlooked the match. He often would glance at Weichi. He didn't know why he would, but he did. After she finished talking with her brother, he ordered for everyone to run laps...

"Even the Regulars?" Dayong asked. Siyang nodded and was going to watch them, when Weichi's phone went off, catching Siyang's attention. 

"Shoot. I have to go. I'll see you at home Siyang! Dachi, sorry to cut this short, maybe we could hang out another time, but I gotta go to class! See ya!" Weichi informed. 

She hugged Dachi, and kissed her brother on the cheek before running off to her guitar classes. Zhuo Zhi saw this, but other than him no one else did. It was like her actions were hidden from everyone else. He ignored it as he continued to watch the match between Huang Jing and Lu Xia. He thought that he would just ask Dachi about it later... 

-------------Few Days Later-------------

After a few days, she visited again, only this time she was going to be introduced to the team properly. Earlier that day, she had met with Coach Qi and she gave Weichi permission to see the practice without being kicked out. What Weichi didn't know was that this was also the first time that the coach was going to be meeting with the club and team for that semester. 

When they went to see the team, a guy with a plaster had noticed her, asking if she was back. Coach Qi nodded, and only then did they noticed Weichi standing next to the coach. 

"Who's this?" a guy asked timidly. Weichi noticed that he was very muscular, but he was very timid-like. She guessed that that was the agressive player, because Siyang mentioned someone who was timid, but with a racquet, he was outgoing and loud... 

She felt a little nervous, so she nudged Siyang to help her. She was clutching onto her guitar strap and Siyang cleared his throat to gain their attention. Once he did, he introduced her in a short manner... 

"This is my sister..."

Note: I posted this 2nd chapter as an apology for not posting on-time. I forgot to set my alarm for the time and I only noticed like 1/2 an hour after... So, as an apology I'm posting double for today... 

Golden Love [The Prince of Tennis ~Match! Tennis Juniors~ 2019 Fanfic]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt