Chapter Four

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Since that vile woman kicked me out and has left me to fend for myself in the nothingness, I have nothing else to do but find somewhere to sleep.
My eyes are heavy in their sockets and their eyelids are flickering in exhaustion. Stumbling down the concrete street, I come across a large building that stood out to me and have off a family, warm, caring feeling and the heat from inside the shop made it seem like the sun was still burning.

I stepped into this building called DFS, which I'm guessing is full of DFS's?
I jog down the isle and look at the tickets projecting the code.
The codes are quite long, a lot longer than I expected, anyway.
A mirror caught my eye, my reflection staring back at me. Clueless. I wonder if he knows any more information than I do. He seems to show me that I am correct when I say I'm too skinny, my ribs look like a xylophone- but I guess that's because I haven't eaten in years.
I have fatigue bags under my eyes, like that man did in the alley. Not wanting to look like him, I sit on the nearest furniture, a chair.

I dozed off a bit but soon woke up to investigate that mirror that really intrigues me. I stand only an inch away from my reflection and pressed my hand against it to discover my hand went straight through it.

It startled me at first, but I feel the need to go further. The nothing is consuming me now? That song is ringing in my ears but there's no one around who knows it.
I kept pushing until my arm was completely gone, and it felt like a beaded door or a water fall, relaxing.

I close my eyes and step into the mirror, and greeted by a stone cold room, covered in what is called... Blood. I look towards the mirror I have just walked through and everything looks the same as it did only a minute ago.

I glare at it cautiously in case it hurts me in some way or someone else comes through. Nobody followed me inside but there was a girl looking at herself in it. She ruffled her long hair-sprayed hair, fiddled with her eyelashes, and rubbed a smudge from the mirror with her right sleeve, but she still didn't get any closer to me.
How does that work?

"Excuse me Sir," a voice said, I snapped awake as he harshly clicked his fingers at me. A scowl set apon his face. "How long have you been here?"
"W-what time is it?"
"It's twelve in the afternoon." He growled.
"Right. I've been here since the sun disappeared."
"Last night then. Fine, I can see your rather discombobulated so I'm going to ask nicely. Please leave."
"Haha!" I chuckle to myself.
"What's so funny?"
"Sorry, I just think that word sounds odd." I grunt, hobbling of the bed and out into the streets again.

Well I guess that dream was a bit weird. She couldn't step through, she wasn't capable of it, so why am I?

I have decided, when that woman's car is not in her drive way, I will get into the house. MY house, my house only.
It's not hers, she has no right to take it from me.
So I hid in the hedge am waited until she left, which was only a few minutes. Lucky me. Destiny is taking it's role in my life. I will get to the bottom of this.

I sneak over to the back door and pick the lock with a paperclip, over to the television. It's quite different to the one before, but the little people are still in there.
"Hey, you little people, I am your god! I command you to show me the news."
But nothing happened. "Work!" Still... Nothing. "How DARE you disobey me! You will pay for this through your life! I didn't need you anyway, the one I had before was better! The old television didn't have people in it, but recently, it seems to be a new thing, new things never last."
I give it a brief kick off the stand and let it fall off the stand and break.

"Screw you! Kitchen next!"
I storm into the kitchen, open the fridge and... "Goodness... You look so over fed! Look at you with all this food! How can you possibly eat it all? You look very sick. Your so ill from all this food that your shivering. Don't worry, I'll help you!" I jeer, popping open the kettle lid and running the tap water into it.

I shut the lid and returned it back to it's little metal plate and flicked it to boil.
In no time the timer clicked and I gave it a quick test, dipping my finger in.
"Perfect" I smile, turning with the hot water in my hands. Clutching the kettle tightly, I throw the water into the fridge to cure it of it's ill health.

My new goal is to finish the bedroom, with a few tears and gravity to help, the room was trashed. It still looked better than it did when the lady decorated it, despite it didn't look like it did years ago.


I jump with fright, and am paralysed with shock.
She swung open the door and yelled:
I bounced off the bed, leapt into the air and landed on my feet perfectly, with a smug grin.
"It's MY house."
"I'm calling the POLICE!!"
Everything froze. The second poured on for what feels like an hour, the word police ringing in my head, screaming, echoing, bouncing endlessly on the boundaries of sanity... I remember the police! 'If you don't ... I'm scared ... Call the police ...' The memories blurred into one, mashing together.
The sirens! They need to stop calling out, torture, it's torture!

I grab the phone from her and snap it with one hand, directly in half.
"For gods sake, what's wrong with you?"
"I don't want to be taken away."
"You have the mental age of an infant by the sound of you." She hissed.
"I don't, whatever an infant is... I remember everything I have never seen. Like it's all a dream somehow."
I sighed, frustrated, chucking the phone down.
"The world changes, why don't you understand... People change too." She said quietly.
"I do, I'm just scared." I cup my hands over my mouth and run my eyes.
"Of what?"
"The number four, and 'reality' whatever that is. What we see is not all, because otherwise I could see where my family is right now. I'm scared of it."
"Why?" She asked again. She never stops, does she?
"Because you can't feel it when I can."


"Would you like maribels contact? Just don't harass her like you have me for the past day. What you have done to my house is criminal damage, you must clean it up first if you want to talk to her again. It's not my fault, remember that."
"Okay." A kindness over came me.


All day I cleaned up her fridge and re-ordered it, I couldn't fix her television so I selected a new one without little people inside of it (they are disobedient rascals who are irritating) I then threw away all of her ripped duvets and bedding, and made up the bed from scratch. I return, I got food, water, an opportunity to call Maribel and hopefully a shelter for later.

"Thank you, Lullaby," She smiled. "I never did tell you my name, did I? My name is Dahlia."
"Nice to meet you?"
She giggled, handed me her mobile and read out Maribels number.

It bleeped about three times then...
"Hello, I'm Maribel, who is this?"
My heart skipped a beat, it began to race. I have to push words out by force.
"H-hi, my name is Lullaby."
"You sound familiar Lullaby, do I know you?"
"Um, you might, Lullaby is my nickname, I can't remember my real name... All I can truly remember is you. You're my mum."
"Nonsense." She tutted. I can feel my heart sinking, my eyes prickling.
"I don't want to scare you. I can prove it to you. You have medium brown hair, how I loved your dress sense... Your green eyes... our old house."
"No, it's not possible." She panted.
"What's not?"
"I- I. No... No! Is this some sort of sick joke?!"
"No, I love you."
The phone began to crackle, buzz... Static snapped over her voice. I can hear her panicking, the footsteps.

Another bleep. More silence.

"What happened? Hello? HELLO?! MUMMY!" I cry.
"She hung up, stopping the call."
"Why? I love her! Doesn't she love me?"
"I'm sure she does. She's probably just scared." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder.
"Like me?"
"Like you."

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