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As I walked towards the staircase I continued to struggle with the bags of groceries that filled both my hands. My arms were growing more exhausted by the second. I had to be careful with each step I took, the last thing I needed was to lose my balance and fall. The ground was slippery from the thin layer of ice that covered it, the pipes were frozen and, icicles hung from the edge of the railings. The air was freezing cold and so was I despite me being dressed in the correct attire. The snow was as soft as cotton wool as it gracefully fell on the already covered streets. Streetlights blinked through the gloomy mist and so did the headlights of different cars as they slowly drove by. I was relieved to see a path cleared from the snow at the entrance of my apartment, it made it much easier walking.

I only climbed half of the staircase when one of the bags popped at the handle causing a few items to tumble to the bottom of the stairs. I sighed as I watched them continue down each step then scattering all over. I rested the few bags in my hands on the floor preparing to retrieve the goods that had fallen. Fortunately, a tall young man appeared and saw I was in need of help. He began reaching for them and as soon as he was finished he climbed the stairs and took the items to me.

"I believe these belong to you," he passed them to me. "Would you like some help with the bags?"

"No, thank you." I flashed him a close-mouthed smile as I tried to evenly distribute the products in my separate bags.

"I don't think I've ever seen you here before, did you just move in here?" He continued to question though I turned my back, hoping he would get the gist. I am not in the mood to speak to anyone. Especially a man.

"Yes, I just moved here," I responded.

"Okay, take care." He walked away and I felt relieved that he did.

I gathered my many bags and continued on my way to the door. As I walked, I realized I was trailing behind the helpful stranger. I didn't think much of it until he slowed down at the door directly across from mine. When I neared my door he turned back and looked at me.

"My name is Terrence, Terrence Riley." He extended his hand for a shake. I looked at him considering if I should, eventually I did. Out of respect. "Obviously you don't care to know who I am but seeing that we're gonna be neighbors I figured it's only right I introduced myself."

I kept my focus on opening my door only nodding in response, obviously not wanting to speak. Being disrespectful was not my aim but my head is not in the right space. "Well alright then, sorry for disturbing you."

When I finally got my door open I went straight inside not even taking the time to look back. I scanned the almost completely empty apartment. Not one single furniture, the only thing in here was the refrigerator that came with the apartment and dust. I cleaned each area thoroughly, wiping, dusting, and scrubbing every inch. When I was finished I was sweating like I had just had a shower or come out of a pool. On the floor rested the soft comforters I slept on last night. It was my bed. My furniture should be here sometime tomorrow but until then I would continue sleeping on the floor. My head felt crowded, my thoughts were scattered but nonetheless, I was still excited to be here. This is where I start my new life, this is where Mia Johnson is born. Getting the apartment was not hard at all, especially since I was paying in cash on the spot. It's only my second day here in New York City and things are going exactly how I want.

Present Day

"Yo!" Riley clapped trying to regain my attention. I almost forgot we were having a conversation. "Why is it that you never listen to me when I talk?"

"No one is interested in listening to you rant about cars," I rolled my eyes and lowered my head closer to the picture in front of me, making an effort to colour within the lines.

Unfinished Business: Branded for RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now