*Duel of the Fates*

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The group snuck in through the secret passage just like Padmé had intended. Hiding behind a wall, Padmé flashed red light in the direction of Captain Panaka. After a few seconds, he flashed his blue light back and beckoned them to go. Qui Gon crouched down to Anakin, "Once we get inside, you will find a safe place to hide and stay there." He instructed.

"Sure." Anakin replied.

"And you'll stay there." Azyalia warned, her eyes held a certain firmness Anakin did not want to test.

"Yes, Zayli."

Suddenly, a droid ship exploded, sending debris in every direction. "There's our diversion" Azaylia thought to herself nervously. Following Padmé, the group ran. The two Jedi ignited their lightsabers, ready to defend. Azaylia ignited hers not a moment after.

Her saber was a colour of bright yellow. She remembered finding the crystal in the caves back when she was just a Youngling. She also recalled constructing it and feeling so excited to see what it would be like to ignite it. When she finally did, she nearly screamed with happiness. It was yellow, her favourite colour.

Azaylia and Qui Gon deflected shots from the droids blasters while Obi-Wan sliced a battle droid in half. Padmé opened a big metal door which led them to the landing docks.

When the door opened, droids started immediately firing at the group. Azaylia deflected as many shots as she could, her saber twirling and twisting gracefully around her. Apparently, she had continued her training well.
"Ani! Find cover!" Qui Gon shouted.

"Quickly Ani! Quickly!" Azaylia yelled over the blaster shots.

"Get to your ships!" Padmé ordered the pilots who came with them. The pilots followed Padmé's orders. Taking off in their ships, and shooting off into the air. Azaylia only heard one of them explode. "One is better then all of them" She thought grimly.

Once the group had finished killing all the droids, Padmé spoke, "My guess is the Viceroy's in the Throne Room."

"Red group! Blue group! Everybody this way!" Captain Panaka beckoned everyone to follow him. Azyalia spotted Anakin in the cockpit of a ship with R2 in the back. Anakin stood up, "Hey! Wait for me!" He yelled.

"Anakin you stay. You'll be safe there." Qui Gon stated, rushing forwards, in line with Obi-Wan and Azaylia.

"But I-" Anakin started but was interrupted by Azaylia.

"Stay in that cockpit Ani!" She demanded, pointing a stern finger. He sat back down, huffing. Qui Gon glanced at her surprise slipping out from his usual stoic face.
"He's lived with me since he was born. He knows not to disobey me. He's gotten on my bad side before, and trust me it wasn't pretty." Azyalia laughed.
Qui Gon chuckled, "You're quite the girl Azyalia."

Just then, the group stopped. Azaylia looked around them and saw the Dathomirian she had seen in her vision. She gasped, dread rising in her chest. "That was the person in my vision!"She said to Obi-Wan.

"It's alright. I'm sure everything will be fine."He assured, not letting her dive into panic.

"We'll handle this." Qui Gon walked pass the group followed by Obi-Wan and Azyalia.

"We'll take the long way around." Padmé stated, the groups turned to the left and started to jog towards the Viceroy.

The Sith pulled his hood off his head, revealing his wicked face. The two Jedi and the Sith removed their cloaks. Azaylia, having no cloak to shed, stood there focused. The red-faced figure took out an imitating double-bladed lightsaber. He ignited one side and then the other, in an imitating manner. The other three ignited their lightsabers. Qui Gon with his green one, Obi-Wan with his blue one and Azyalia with her yellow one. She stared the Sith down. She was ready to fight.

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