The Senate Party

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A/N: Look! I made up my own scene. Cause I'm... original! This is how Azaylia would react when Obi-Wan catches her... except she would be in his arms...I'm really trying to find matching gifs. I'm sorry :(

"So what usually happens at a Senate Party?" Azaylia asks Padmé. It's just the two of them sitting on a couch in Padmé's apartment.
"Well there's usually a dinner and afterwards some... dancing!" She claps her hands.
"Dancing?! I didn't know there was dancing! Padmé...!" Azaylia whines. Padmé giggles at the women's whining.
"Oh Zayli, don't be like that." She taps her shoulder lightly. "It'll be really fun."
"It would've been fun...if Obi-Wan wasn't coming." Azaylia crosses her arms and looks at her.
She fake evil laughs, "My master plan." She rubs her hands together. Azaylia leans back on the couch.
"Why must you do this?"
"Because. Being a Senator gets a little boring from time to time...I have to have something exciting happen. Oh! I forgot to tell you...everyone has assigned tables... you and Master Kenobi will most likely sit with me, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma and my "uncle" Ano." Padmé explains.
"Alright. That sounds fine. I guess." She says sitting up properly.
"Right then! It's time to get you ready!" She stands up and grabs Azyalia's arm, pulling her to her room.
"Ready?!" She exclaims.

"Padmé is this really necessary? I look absolutely ridiculous." Azaylia says as she looks at her dress in the full length mirror in Padmé's bedroom.

The dress is longer with spaghetti straps and a slit up the left leg. She decided to have a lightsaber holster on her thigh so it was vital to have that slit. Although, the lavender colour was pretty...that didn't  change the fact that she'd rather be in her comfortable, protective Jedi robes...

"Oh Zayli!" She breathes when she turns around to show Padmé. "I think it looks spectacular."
"I feel like I'm going to trip walking on these." She picks up one foot, a sliver high heel coming with it.
"You're not I can assure you...Alright sit down it's time for hair and makeup!" She picks up a hairbrush. "I don't think you'll need much makeup. You already have a pretty beautiful face." She giggles.
Azaylia groan and reluctantly sits down.
"Padmé...what will Obi-Wan do when he sees me...?" She asks quietly.
"He'll probably faint." Padmé joked.
"Why do I have to wear this? He'll probably be in his Jedi robes!"
"No he won't. He'll probably be wearing a tuxedo. The Masters most likely don't want to alarm the other Senators. If they see Jedi they will probably freak out and leave since Jedi mean there's danger around. They probably want you both to look as normal as possible." She explains while brushing her hair.

"Obi-Wan in a tuxedo?! Oh no."
Things just got a whole lot worse... she tried to mask the shock on her face because Padmé would either tease or ask her about it.
"Alright...if you say so." She closes her eyes and let's Padmé do her hair.

"And...done!" She exclaims. "You can open you eyes now. I'm done with the makeup."

Azaylia opens her eyes and spins around to look in the mirror. She gasps. She was literally a whole different person! Her brown hair was curled and half up half down. There was light lavender eyeshadow and some black eyeliner across her eyes. Pink glittery lipstick smeared across her lips and slight rosy blush on her cheeks.

"So do you like it?" She asks.
"You did such a great job! I look completely different." Azaylia touches her face lightly.
"Obi-Wan will faint when he sees you. If he doesn't, I'll have to talk to him." She cleans up everything while Azaylia looks at the Senator. Her dress and hair are as beautiful as ever and her makeup is striking. If only Anakin could see her...
"Shall we go?" She asks as she holds out her arm. Azaylia links hers with Padmé's.
"We shall." She says and they walk to the Ballroom.

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