Memories (Back from Hiatus!)

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I am back from Hiatus! Sorry I'm so late. This chapter has a little bit of a more Serious tone. I'll continue from where we left off! I think. I have a better plan now for the plot instead of improvising. Anyways, to the story!

Frisk POV:

Chara disappeared in her spot. Sans appeared really confused, drinking a bottle of ketchup. He quickly yeeted it into the void when I startled him by coughing loudly.

"Reflex..." he murmured. He looked at me and fell backwards.

"Frisk?!" He asked.

"How are you here?! Chara was just in your spot!" I shouted.

"The demon? The psychotic child who killed everybody?!"

"Don't blame Chara for what I did!"

"What? Could you repeat that?" Sans was dead silent. "You killed my brother? You killed my friends? You killed everybody I knew?! YOU KILLED EVERYBODY I CARED ABOUT?!" He shouted. 

 "I did, I'm sorry! She was trying to stop me. She didn't do anything wrong!" I shouted. Tears welled in my eyes.

His silence hurt more than a slap to the face.

"I'm sorry, okay?! I was curious in the beginning and then all of this happened! Please, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry..." I was practically begging him. I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes. I wiped them with my sweater sleeve. I struggled to stand up. 

His eye sockets expressed sorrow for a brief second, before turning away from me. I understood him. It was my fault this happened...

"Alright, now that is out of the way, where the actual fuck are we?!

I then realized I had no idea either. I had just been here the whole time watching whoever was in control of my body do what they did. "I- I don't know..." I had made things so awkward between us.

He sighed. "Let's put that behind us for now, and try to get out." He attempted to teleport but ended up 2 inches to his right. He tried again to go 2 inches in front of him. He looked at me confused, but I shook my head. He sighed and sat down. A good 10 feet separating us. 

"Hey, Sans?" I wanted to apologize again, even though I probably was a nuisance. I heard faint snoring and realized he was asleep. How did he even fall asleep that fast?!

I hoped Chara was okay...

Chara POV (Yes, I'm doing two POVS in one chapter):

So great. Now I know there are gods. I'm not even surprised. My life keeps getting weirder. Well technically, I'm dead..., but hey, I'm alive? I think? This is real confusing. 

A burning itchy feeling crept up my throat. Oh shi- I doubled over coughing. I  held my hand open to reveal bloody golden flower petals. Oh no.

I looked around at the demigods sleeping on the floor, hoping nobody would notice. Just as I thought I was safe-"You have Hanahaki disease?! I thought it was only in anime and stuff!" Piper exclaimed. 

"No you idiot, it's how I died!" I said. 

"Pipes, what's all the commotion?" Jason mumbled, awoken from his slumber, "What's Hanahaki Disease?"

"Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease where a person who is in love starts coughing up flower petals when they are too scared to tell. If it gets serious, the person might die. The only way to undo it is by confessing love and them returning it. That's what I know, Alphys was really obsessed with angst fanfiction. I heard her talking about it."

"So... you don't have it?" Percy was also awake. I wanted to hit him so badly. 

"I said it's how i died." I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Oh right, I forgot about that." Percy said.

I looked out the window. Hopefully the ghost of the innkeeper agreed to let a bunch of demigods, which were teenage kids, and a demon child to stay at her inn. 

"Just go back to sleep. It's 2 in the morning." I fell face first on my pillow. I saw the others exchange glances and lay down. 

Before everybody fell asleep, I checked my soul. Perfect Determination, a bit smudges of hate here and there, but it was okay.  Chara Dreemurr, The demon that comes when you call their name. Level One, okay? Very high stats, Good. Weapon: Real Knife, Armor: Heart Locket. Ah right, I forgot about it. I opened the locket with my soul shining bright read, illuminating the room dully. 

Azzy... I miss you...

Wait- he was Flowey. That means he and dad aren't dead! I rushed up quickly. I now had a plan. I was gonna save their sorry butts. I nearly dashed out of the room, but I didn't really abandon the others. I didn't really like humans, well they were demi-humans, but that's besides the point. I lay down, thinking of what I should do. Take them with me or leave them behind? I drifted off to a dream of my memories.

"Howdy! You're a human arent'cha! My mom says not to talk to them, but you're badly hurt! He leaned forward holding out a hand. I barely saw him through my thick bangs, but I was white fur, green and yellow sweater, green sweet eyes. 

"Don't worry! I won't hurt you!" His smile was sweet and sincere and he helped me to his home, me limping on him, talking about how nice they were and about mom's pies. 

The memory faded in the distance as I smiled sadly, looking into another memory

"Goodness gracious, are you alright?!" Mom practically jumped off the chair and healed me. I was still scared about them, but warmth filled my body as my broken leg healed. I smiled, or at least tried. 

"T-thank you..." I hadn't spoken since I got here.

"It is no problem. You do not have anything to be afraid of us, we won't hurt you. My name is Queen Toriel."

"This is- uh-... umm..." Azzy started.

"Asriel Dreemurr, you didn't bother to ask their name?" She scolded.

Midway argument, I said, "Um- I- I'm Chara..." She smiled sweetly at me making me happy.

Another memory over. I felt tears prick my eyes.

I then saw myself in my room, laying on the bed, not moving, Azzy crying next to my dead body, with my soul floating out of my body. I felt a pang of guilt. I shouldn't have had to make him do this. 

Asriel then suddenly stood up and wiped his eyes in his sleeves. Don't worry Chara. I will make sure you death wasn't  for nothing. He reached for the soul arms outstretched.

I saw many more memories filled with love, hate, grief.

Asriel being cut down by the humans. Asriel dying next to me, leaving nothing but a heart locket. Asriel reincarnated as Flowey, uncapable of feeling things. All the fallen humans dying a gruesome death, for what? Nothing?! Frisk killing everybody over and over, without me being able to stop it. 

I wanted to cry. I couldn't. I had to stay strong. I had to find them. I had to save them. Who knows how long this genocide run will last? But I am not backing down. For my family. For my friends. For the Underground. I would free them. No matter what measures I had to take. I would. Once and for all.

I'm really sorry I went over the Hiatus Date. I forgot about it for like a week and I was trying really hard to finish this chapter. And for the story, the plot thickens! Thank you for everybody supporting my story, despite it not being that good, you really liked it. I hope this was a good chapter!

Avenge the fallen (Undertale x Percy Jackson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz