Wild Flower

61 5 2
  • Gewidmet Miro Marasigan

"Wild Flower"

Garden, filled with flowers.
Cant pick, dont have a choice.
Varies in colors and sizes.
All are pretty, all have chances.

Then there I saw,
This beautiful one.
With its medium flaw,
But enough for me to run.

Outshined others, focused my sight.
It's kinda unique, colors bright.
Deeper, you'll see its soul.
If blind, you'll say it's coal.

Wild flower, I wanna pick you up,
But she came so I stopped.
She took you then you shined.
Ah! You're not meant to be mine.

Days passed, I saw you laid.
There, left alone and afraid.
What to do? So I stayed.
By your side, watered you with aid.

You see, you give me bliss,
All you have to do is grow.
Everyday I'll water you with my kiss,
Filled with affection like sun, no shadows.

Dear wild flower now that you're here,
Dont want either of us to tear.
I cant promise to understand all,
But together we'll stand tall.

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