hamster trouble...

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I woke in a classroom by four hamsters.

"Well, where did you guys come from?" I asked sweetly

squeak, squeak, squeak!

I gasped, "Oh no! You'r lost! How terrible!"

squeeeeaaaak! squea-squea-squeak!

"Well of course I'll help you!"

I held the hamsters and they led me around the school. I slightly parted my hair so that my nose could come out of my hair, I sniffed the hamsters and then the air.

I walked around a school looking place when I found a room that matched the scent I was looking for. 

I opened the class room and found a boy with a really long scarf frantically looking around on the floor, not noticing me, "Is that him?" I asked the four animals

He whipped around, "MORTAL! UNHAND MY FOUR DARK DEVAS OF DESTRUCTION AT ONCE!" he ran up to me and grabbed my wrists

"H-huh? San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z, Cham-P, who is this man?!"

he stopped, "Mortal, how do you know their names?"

I sniffled tears running down may face from under my bangs.

squeak, squeak?

"I'm *sniff* fine Maga-Z... *sniff*"

"You are unlike any mortal I have met... you can speak to animals?" 

I nodded

He let go and apologized

I handed him his hamsters and turned around to explore and cry... I'm a sensitive person ok...

Gundham's POV


"H-huh? San-D, Jum-P, Maga-Z, Cham-P, who is this man?!"

"Mortal, how do you know their names?" I asked

she sniffled tears running down may face from under her  hair

squeak, squeak?

"I'm *sniff* fine Maga-Z... *sniff*"

"You are unlike any mortal I have met... you can speak to animals?"

I nodded

I let go and apologized

As she turned around quickly I saw a glimpse of her face...

She is the most beautiful creature I've ever seen...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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