Third Cup of Coffee

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College starts today and Harrison decided to get a cup of coffee to kick off the semester like the college student he is. He pulled out his phone from his messenger bag and opened his messages. Harrison had transferred to an out of state college for his last two years, so he didn't exactly know the layout of the town yet, especially the cafes.

His friend from back home had messaged him a picture of the cafe he recommended. Harrison looked up from his phone to the coffee shop in front of him. There were plants outlining the front and working their way around the corner of the building. There was a stand-up sign next to the door with the specials, the windows had drawings of coffee cups, coffee beans, and just little doodles.

He looked over to the sign that had Third Cup of Coffee written on it, and a coffee cup with saucer that had steam coming out of it. Harrison pocketed his phone, the coffee shop looked like the picture, and smiled as he admired the plants all along the front before he opened the door. A bell rang as he walked in.

There were only a handful of people in the café, including the workers. There was a girl at the table near the front window typing away, a guy scrolling through his phone in the back booth sipping his coffee, another person reading a book to his right at a table and a blonde girl behind the counter, wiping down a coffee maker. Perks of coming in early, no one was in the café.

He checked his phone, 7:19am Quite early he supposed.

"Hello welcome to Third Cup of Coffee," said the girl from behind the counter. Harrison waved.


"Someone will be with you in a moment." She said before she turned back to the coffee maker calling out, "Front order!"

A moment later someone asked, "Hi, what can I get for you?" Harrisons eyes were drawn away from the menu to a guy about his age, maybe younger, with blond hair standing at the cash registrar in front of him. He had on an apron with the café's name on it and a black shirt with matching slacks. He also had a visor with the same coffee cup and saucer from outside.

"Hi, I'll just do a medium cinnamon latte to go please," Harrison ordered as he dug in his jacket for his wallet.

"Name for the order?" The guy asked, looking up at him. Harrison lost his breath as he made eye contact with him. The guy had really bright green eyes.

"Um, Star," Harrison answered as he took out his cash, a bit discombobulated by how handsome the cashier was.

"Four dollars and seventeen cents is your total," the guys said, distracted as he took Harrisons five-dollar bill. "I really like your lip piercings," the guy commented as he got out Harrisons change. Harrisons hand went to his snake bites and he smiled.

"Oh, Thanks," Harrison said sheepishly, "I really like your hair," He commented back, the guy huffed amused.

"Thanks, here is your change." Harrison smiled as he dropped his change in the tip jar.

"Are you new here?" The guy asked leaning a hand against the counter.

"Oh yeah," Harrison said rubbing the back of his neck, "What gave me away?" -

"We get a lot of regulars and stuff, so it's kind of easy to tell who's new," The guy answered.

"Ah," Harrison snapped and made a finger gun at the guy, "I get that, so what's your name?" He asked him.

"It's-" the guy was interrupted by the blonde girl, who was cleaning the coffee maker, setting Harrison's drink down next to him.

"For when you're done socializing," She said smiling at him. Harrison smiled back.

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