Yoda's Story

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Yoda, perhaps the most famous of his species, has the most baggage around his backstory. Though Yoda is still a very mysterious, as George Lucas intended to be, it is still pretty easy to get  information on the Jedi Master, thanks to the internet. With Yoda, there are confirmed facts, where as with the other members of his species, at least the ones that we've seen in the Star Wars movies, have only fan theories of their story. 

However, though there is more information available about Yoda's life, it is still very difficult to confirm that these are confirmed facts. This means that I can only rely on what I think sounds correct, and even if I think something sounds correct, it is still very difficult to put those pieces together to create an understandable story. Because of this, I am going to be making a story of my own, that compiles my theories about Yoda, fan theories, and even some confirmed facts about him.

Yoda was born 900 years before the Battle of Endor. He belonged to an ancient and mysterious species, that is mainly known for powerful force sensitivity. Because of his force sensitivity, Yoda joined the Jedi Order as a youngling. At the age of 100 years old, Yoda became a Jedi Master and was ready to begin teaching younglings. Over the next 800 years, he trained generations of Jedi. It is estimated that Yoda trained 20,000 Jedi. 

At the very end of his career, Yoda taught his last official Palawan, the human Dooku. Dooku's training took place during the era of the Galactic Republic. It was during his time training Dooku that Yoda befriended the Wookie race during a mission to rid their planet of some pests. Although Dooku admired his master, he was still doubtful of the Jedi's way of life. This doubtfulness led to Dooku's eventual downfall, when he was manipulated by Darth Sideous, and turned to the Dark side. 

This is the story of Yoda's Jedi Career. I will later elaborate on my theory about his species. That chapter will include everything from the creature's diet and home planet, all the way to their force sensitivity. I hope you are having a good day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2020 ⏰

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