Frequently Asked Questions

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Well we are here again! Took us a long time but the book is done and we are ready to move on (in a bit though. Gotta wait for less chaos).

*announcer voice*

Ladies and gentlemen! Here is the long awaited for, latest installment of Frequently Asked Questions!


xxdaretodreamxx asks:
Does Savannah happen to be the Renegade in Renegade's Justice?

ASHLEY: I guess the cat is out of the bag, Anna. Not that Savannah would have ever stayed in the bag. *Mutters to self*

ANNA: True, Savannah would not stand for such an indignity.

If not will we be told what Chad did to her cousin that made her track him to Africa to beat his ass?

ANNA: Actually, they weren't in Comoros at that point. They had a big celebration in the city before they would fly to Comoros to start their Grande Maraige. So she didn't track him across an ocean but she did track him a fair ways.

alienloloo asks:
What is the next book and when will it be posted?

ASHLEY: The next book is Renegade's Justice. You can find the full list of the Downworlder books in the about me section on our page. As for a release date...*coughs* it's still to be determined.

ANNA: *channelling her inner Jeff Goldblum* Life uuhhhh... gets in the way.

CrescentTheWereWolf asks:
Are any of the cultures based off real life cultures?

ANNA: Actually yes! A lot of what we said about Comoros culture is actually what actually Comorosian culture is. We did a fair bit of research to make sure it was the same/similar!

ASHLEY: We do our best to bring a diverse world to life in these stories. We want to blend fantasy and reality together in what we hope are respectful ways. Representation matters.

syden_01 asks:
Apologies for asking, but is Book 6, the Forgotten Queen, about Octavia?

ANNA: No need to apologize! We love questions. And no it's not and sorry we can't tell you who it is about.


ANNA: Very true, never leak classified information

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ANNA: Very true, never leak classified information.

Or is there a reason her story isn't written?

ASHLEY: We never intended to write Octavia's story. It's not like we had a special reason for not writing it. I think that Anna and I find her present story more important than her past. Octavia is complicated, and has been pretty villainous at times. As a reader, you should consider her character development through the series and look at it as her personal redemption arc.

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