Chapter 44: Operation Innocent

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Megann was still freaking out even when Sam pointed at a table and they sat.  If she messed up here, there would be no way she could cover it up.  Even if she dropped the ‘innocent’ game for a split second, Sam Miller would see it and there would be nothing to help.

Sam was looking at her.   Shoot, had he said something.

“I’m sorry?” Megann asked sweetly.   “I was just thinking.”

“It’s fine.  I asked if you wanted anything to drink.”

Megann noticed the waitress standing infront of them.  It was such a slow night that she was able to come from behind the counter to take their order.

“I’ll have some tea, please,” Megann said nicely to the lady.  “Thank you.”

“Anytime, sweetie,” the lady said with a smile before walking away.

Sam looked surprised.   “What?” Megann asked.  She generally didn’t have a clue for once.

“Most girls would have gotten alcohol to drink,” Sam said.  He seemed pleasantly surprised. 

“Who says I’m like most girls?” Megann smiled despite herself.   She realized this wasn’t all that ‘innocent’, so she added a shy look at the table and willed her cheeks to turn red.

“No one.  No one at all,” Sam told her.  She looked up shyly.  “I’ve never met anyone like you before.”

“Really?” Megann asked innocently, batting her eyelashes.   Inside, she was doing front flips. 

“Really.”  Suddenly, his eyes went down to Megann’s wrist.  She tried to cover them up, but it was too late.  “Did you do that?”

“Yeah…” Megann trailed off.  Shoot, he had seen her scars.  She had never planned on that.  Good thing she was so awkward about this whole thing that it went along with her operation. 

“Stop it, okay?  For me?”

Megann bit her lip and looked up at Sam Miller.  “Okay,” she breathed, grinning slightly.  “For you.”

The waitress lady came back with their drinks.   After the pair of them thanked her, the spent much of the night just talking.  As time went by, Megann opened up more and more to Sam.  Or that’s what he thought.  In reality, Megann was just showing more of her true self and dropping her Operation.  To her delight, the innocent Megann had reeled in Sam Miller and the real Megann had kept him hooked. 

Sam got a call from his bandmates: it was time to hit the road.  He didn’t want to go, he found.  “Let’s swap numbers,” he proposed.  “If I can’t see you, at least I can talk to you.”

So they swapped numbers outside the coffee shop. 

“Thank you for tonight,” Megann said, and she meant it.  It had gone almost perfect. 

“No, thank you.  It was the best night I can recall,” Sam smiled.

The tour bus pulled up to pick up Sam.  Before he got on, he swooped down to give Megann a kiss on the cheek.

Megann’s insides felt like they were exploding as she waved goodbye to the bus.  Whether or not he saw or waved back she had no clue.

As the bus pulled out of the parking lot, Megann got a text.

Sam: I miss you already

Megann fought a smile as she replied.  She then went back to her car to drive home.  When she got there, she was pleased to find that Sam had replied back.

In the middle of their constant texting session, Megann logged onto her computer to update the group one final time.



Subject: Operation Innocent.


Operation Innocent was a success.  

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