Extreme Aggressor 1x1

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3rd Pov

Mia's phone goes off "Is that your boyfriend Spencer ringing?" Klaus said making fun of Mia

"Haha, very funny Nik," Mia said

"Salvatore" Mia answered.

"Mia its Hotch come in we got a case," Hotch said

"Ok be there in 5" Mia replied.

"I have a case we will talk about later don't kill too many people," Mia said to Klaus.

Mia hops in her car and races to the team.


"They're calling him the Seattle stranger, 4 victims in 4 months He keeps them alive 7 days, the handle serves as a crank," Spencer says to Gideon

"Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation"Gideon replies

"To prolong it?" Spencer asks

"To enjoy it. Seattle's hit a wall" Gideon replies

"Physical evidence it's nonexistent. There are no tangible leads". Spencer Replies

"And another girl is missing," Gideon says.

"I looked the case file over ill get some thoughts to you ASAP." Gideon says to Reid
not knowing that Hotch is at the door coming in.

"You're gonna be with us in Seattle ASAP" Hotch replies letting Gideon know of his presence with the other BAU agents. Gideon looks shocks at the recent information that he is coming along.

"22-year-old heather woodland, before she left for lunch she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached. The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen." Mia said Gideon looks at mia before reading what she had given him.

" For Heaven's sake catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself" Gideon says.

"He never keeps them for our 7 days which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her, "Hotch says

"They want you back in the saddle you ready" Morgan asked.

"Look like medical leave over boss "Reid says to Gideon.

"They sure they want me," Gideon asked

"The order came from the director," Hotch says back. They all look at Gideon for an answer.

Gideon says "Then wed better get started."


They arrived at the airport. "His first victim was 26-year-old melissa kirsh. Stab wounds, strangulation" Reid says.

"Wait back up back up." morgan says
"He stabbed her and then strangled her to finish her off?" Morgan asks

"Another way around why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder,"
Gideon asks.

"Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe he tried probably found that it took too long so he stabbed her instead" Mia replied.

"And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood," Hotch says.

"next time our boys got a method the belt," Morgan says.
"he's learning to perfect his scenario becoming a better killer" Gideon replies


"He never stands with his back to a window and when I was between him and a doorway he asked me to move" Morgan says

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