{3} "Animal" (Serago)

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"Kris, look at this shirt! It has the periodic table on it!" Varian exclaimed happily as he rushed past a group of five teenage girls. Kristoff followed his little brother, making sure he was careful, apologizing to the girls.

"I am so glad we asked the Bjorgman kids to come along with us," stated Go Go sarcastically to Hiro Hamada, who only stared at Varian with a lovesick expression on his face. "Hiro."

"Wha?" Hiro stammered, coming back down to earth.

"Why did Aunt Cass insist that we bring those three along with us to the mall?" Go Go asked.

"Because Chris said those three don't have many friends. Even when they were all in school, they weren't very social and didn't reach out to many people," answered Hiro. "Chris is hoping we can socialize them."

Go Go gazed over her shoulder, staring at Seraphina. "That isn't working well," she said sarcastically. "Seraphina is still keeping to herself."

"Well, when you're diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, it kinda ruins your social life." Hiro shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Besides, if she has an anxiety attack here, she has her medication in her purple-and-black pouch." He gestured to Seraphina's bag, which was draped across her body, bag in front.

"The way she has her bag on her person indicates that she is shy and more defensive than most women," declared Baymax. Go Go held back from the main group, hanging by Seraphina.

"If there's any trouble, let me know, okay?" the adrenaline junkie questioned the girl, who nodded in response.

Seraphina narrowed her eyes at every stranger around her. She just didn't know how to trust anyone after she and Elsa ended their relationship only three months in. These trust issues may have also stemmed from when her mother abandoned her family during a divorce case between her and Chris, but she never felt up to do the research. But the fact that Go Go cared enough to let Seraphina know that she could trust her made the teenage inventor relax.

If you feel like crying, pinch the skin between your thumb and index finger. Remember to do that, thought Seraphina as she caught up with her brothers. Varian held her hand gently as a reminder that he was there for her.

"If you can't bear the huge amounts of people, tell us and we'll leave," said Kristoff.

"Okay," whispered Seraphina.

The siblings walked together through the mall, following Hiro and his friends. Varian gazed at everything around them, enamored by the bright lights and various stores. Kristoff became interested in how everything worked. Seraphina, although impressed by everything she saw, felt more anxious than she ever had in her entire life. For most of her life, she'd always reread the same books, but she had never known why until she found something that said people with anxiety often rewatched the same shows or movies because they know what's going to happen next; for them, it's a sense of security/comfort. It had answered her question as to why she reread her books about alchemy, engineering, and fantasy worlds: She was at ease when it came to something she knew.

Although she'd been spending time with Hiro and his friends, she still didn't trust them. She supposed that was the aftereffect of her mother leaving. She isn't my mother anymore. She lost that title when she chose to abandon us. She is no longer my mother, Seraphina scolded herself as she finally realized she was in the middle of a clothing store. There were far too many people here for her liking. She had to get out. NOW!

One two three four five six seven eight. One two three four five six seven eight. One two three four five six seven eight. One two three four five six seven eight. One two three four five six seven eight. One two three four -

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