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First day of school ok cmon Rosie u got this. I said to myself as my alarm rang for the third time that morning.
"Uhhhh!" I groaned as I rolled out of bed
I rolled too far and all you could hear was a loud thump of me falling onto the floor

"Rosie, honey are you ok?" My mom asked

"Yea, just the usual falling out of bed." I said

You could hear her laugh through the whole house. my little brother Zach came into my room very excited and jumpy and yelled


I was still trying to recover from my fall just a couple of minutes ago. I got up and straightened up my shorts and my shirt

"Yes it is bud, now go get changed so we can leave, or we are going to be late" I said

"Late! No that can't happen on my first day!" He ran to his room and you could hear him talking to himself going over the list that he made last night on what he needs.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, washed my face and put my contacts on.

"Damn I look awful" I said to myself

I curled my shoulder length hair with my curling wand, threw on some concealer, some eyeliner and mascara with the tiniest bit of lip gloss. I went to my closet and decided on some black skinny jeans with ripped knees, a crop top that have nirvana written on it, and some black converse. Simple and comfy that's my motto.

"Better." I said looking into the mirror

Ran downstairs and saw my mom cooking some turkey bacon since I hate regular bacon. don't judge me I have my reasons.

"Good morning sweetheart" my mom greeted me with a kiss on the cheek

"Hi momma, smells amazing" i said while taking a long sniff at the bacon and eggs with a stack of pancakes for Zach and waffles for me.

"I know, go get Zach so you both can eat. you will be leaving soon" she said


"Rose I could have done that, I meant go upstairs and tell him not yell so the neighbors can hear you" my mom scolded me

"It's Rosie mom please we have gone over this."

I turned around and saw Zach running down the stairs with his shirt half off and his shoes in his hands.

"I'm done WERES THE FOOD!" He said

After he put all of his clothing items on we sat down and as always mom mixed up our plates so Zach and I looked at each other smiled and switched.

We finished eating and we got into the car after mom took loads of pictures.

"drive safe Rosie!" Mom yelled

"Yes momma" I laughed

I started the engine and we were off.

"So how old are you?" Zach asked

"I'm 17"

"And what grade are you going to"

"Junior in high school"

"Cool!" Zach said astonished

We made a stop in front of his school.

"Ok so we are here, remember no girlfriends yet" I said teasingly

"I knowww haha" he said

"Ok now give big sister a kiss and go to class"

He kissed me and we said our goodbyes and he ran off.

"GOOD LUCK!" I yelled

He looked back and gave me a thumbs up.

Then I drive to my school which was only about five minutes away.

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