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     God was watching over Earth in his chair. He sat high above heaven in his temple surrounded by white clouds and shined upon by the sun. Heaven was a peaceful and beautiful setting but God noticed something wrong in the real world, it looked human but the problem was it was not human. It was a woman who entered a ball room with extravagant looks and an elegant outfit. She asked a specific man to dance, he none other than one of world leaders and he accepted. They danced beautifully together in rhythm to the music, but as the music ended, the two began to speak to one another.

     "What's your name, beautiful?" The man asked her with clear intentions to keep her by his side for longer duration.
     "Krystal," she answered, "but I have something I need to ask of you."
     "Your wish is my command." The old man said, chuckling.
     "Stop aiding countries in need and I can promise you power after you die," She said with a grin, grabbing his forearm.
     "Why would I- I'm sorry but I don't believe in spirit mediums." He said thinking that she was some hysterical and uneducated woman.
     "I'm no spirit medium, I'm one the devil's demons in the flesh, and unless you want me to tell the public the skeletons in your closet, you'll do it." She said knowing he had no choice but to agree unless he wanted to be burnt down by both the devil and the public.
     "Okay! Fine- I'll do it." He said pushing her away and beginning to walk away.

     The woman walked out of the ballroom, making sure her dress wouldn't lift up and reveal her goat's leg. She walked towards a mirror, looked deeply inside of it and walked into it with ease.
     God was furious, he slammed the wall with his fist, almost bringing down all of heaven, "That man will go down for even having the slightest thought that he could get away with this!" He picked up a book with holy scriptures that held everyone's information that currently inhabited heaven, for he was in search of someone to strike a deal with the devil or take care of him if he rejects god's deal.
     "Let's see, we need people who are strong both physically and mentally but with weaknesses in case one or multiple of them betray me." God said, while flipping the pages of the very thick book, "Mercedes!"
     "Yes, sir?" Mercedes said while turning the corner into God's office, wearing the signature white Roman yoga with an olive wreath signifying that she provides service to God.
     "Can you help me find worthy soldiers I can send to Hell in case we have an emergency?" He said, lying to her in order to keep her calm and prevent panicking.
     "Of course." She said smiling then walking over to his shelf and grabbing out another book that held the information of every inhabitant of heaven.
     "Oh, I found one!" God exclaimed as he proceed to read what he found, "Lysias Dellis, a former Roman Soldier that lived from 46-68 CE, who helped conquer territory and fought to seek vengeance for the man who killed his family at the age of 8. I'm already seeing signs of why he shouldn't be here but you know, I have to be forgiving and all... but he seems like a great warrior considering that he might destroy Lucifer with a single strike."
     "He seems like he'd be obedient towards you, sir," Mercedes said, assuring him that he'd be making the right choice by choosing him, "I found an Italian woman, named Ysabella Adagio Monteverdi who lived from 1994-2012 as a girl who was in love with a man that was part of the mafia and had a girlfriend. He fell in love with her but didn't leave for her, so she did the deed by telling her the truth, which may have had something to do with jealousy or envy but in my opinion it's very brave considering that he proceed to attack her for telling her. Ysabella broke glass and killed him since he was about to do the same. The rest of her life was just so horrible..."
     "Ahh, she's a good one. She's not afraid to keep people in their lane and has good reactions in life or death situations," he said while smiling at Mercedes and then continuing to read what he found, "There's this Jewish woman named Zeliha VonSmitz, who was kidnapped and forced into labor by Nazis and Nazi supporters. She worked as a servant and laborer for Nazi Germany and all she ever wanted was to be laid back and free."
     "Since she's so obedient to the people who forced her into labor I don't see why she wouldn't be obedient to the people who have let her relax for the last century, plus we can promise her things in case she does betray us like having servants to serve her," Mercedes said, hoping that her ideas would help God, "but I found Dorado Del Mar, a 16 year old guy from Mexico City, who was smart and was a good and very giving person who always gave whatever he had extra of to those in need. He lived from 1998 to 2014, and he dreamt of ways to solve things like world hunger and deforestation."
     "Thank you, Mercedes, for everything... I should probably do the rest by myself since you've probably got your hands full." God said, smiling at her with his glowing white teeth.
     "Anything for you, sir." Mercedes said while getting up from her seat and walking out of the office and back to handling calls and scheduling meetings.

     God looked over at his tablet that showed Earth and it's inhabitants, he saw that more demons were beginning to strike deals and cause more chaos.

     "We don't have much time..." God thought.

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