The Meeting

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God quickly scrolled the book, choosing out three more people to send to hell after Satan. He ended up choosing a man by the name of Conan Burke, a prince from the kingdom of Ireland and heir to the throne, but unlike most royals, he had no interest in the throne. He became a prideful farmer after escaping his father's pressure into taking over the throne. Conan lived during 912-925 and learned the skills of an Irish soldier during his stay in the kingdom.
God took note of Conan's information and then continued his search. He found Valerio De La Torre who lived in Spain from 1604-1624. He lived a life of crime for the better or worse under the rule of the Spanish Kingdom. He stole goods from merchants, socialites and even the monarchs themselves to be able to provide for not only himself but the kingdom who suffered unjust treatment from the rulers. He was successful in his career of crime for the well being of the people, until his demise of course.
God read the pages of the last warrior he'd send, but when he finished reading someone he took interest in, all he could think of was "How is it possible that someone like you made it into Heaven?" But nevertheless, he chose Alonzo Amado, who was a bounty hunter from 1872-1897 in the Wild West part of the USA. He grew up in an abusive household as a child but he was seen by people as an obedient little boy and grew up very well besides the abuse. He became a bounty hunter to bring an end to people who abuse their children but he realized that he only felt joy in killing his victims. He did nothing but tear apart the system by thinking he was above the law and take down anyone who thought they had any form of control over him.

     "If I send him and he becomes trapped or serves in hell but the mission is accomplished, I would be killing two birds with one stone." God thought while stroking his chin.

     God got up from his seat and summoned the seven new recruits by snapping his fingers seven times. Seven quick flashes were seen through gods eyes, showing each recruit after every flash in front of him.

"Where the hell am I?" Conan said, holding a potato in hand while looking around.
"We're in God's chambers and we should probably refrain from talking about hell in front of God..." Zeliha explained, holding a book in her hand, closing it after explaining.
     "Zeliha is correct, you are currently in the presence of... well myself, but you're here to help me with a small issue." God said, smiling at the team.
     "Why were we brought here, of all people?" Lysias said while looking at Zeliha and cringing from the fact she read books as a past time.
     "Well,  you're some of the strongest people here, even though it may not seem like it. You have strong personalities that help me take down or at least negotiate with my polar opposite, Lucifer." God said, trying to inspire his warriors.
     "Oh that makes a lot of sense," Conan said, putting his arms in a position to show off his muscles without making it very apparent even though he quite obviously was both a show off and unfit.
     Zeliha rolled her eyes at Conan, "Should we get to know each other?"
     "Sure, I'll think of the things I should give you before I send you on your little vacation." God says, sarcastically.

     Zeliha went in front of everyone, giving them all a formal handshake, still with her book in hand. Nearly all of them felt the awkwardness and cringe from one another.

     "Well are you guys gonna introduce yourselves or do I have to go first?" Zeliha said, acting like she ran the place.
      Dorado quickly pushed her out the way, "Hello everyone, I'm normally not this social but I really just wanted her to stop fucking talking and making my ears bleed but I think all you need to know is my name. So, my name's Dorado and I've been here since 2014."
      "Thank you," Lysias said with relief, "but since I'm already talking, I guess I'll introduce myself too. I'm Lysias, I've been here since 68 CE."
     "Talk about grandpa," Ysabella whispered, smirking, "I'm Ysabella and I've been here since 2012."
     "I'm Valerio and I've been here since 1624... I hope we aren't being sent somewhere horrible." Valerio said, worried.
     "I'm Alonzo, I used to be a bounty hunter and I've been here since 1897." Alonzo said, staring at Zeliha's breasts.
     "You disgusting prick!" Zeliha shouted, slapping Alonzo. "Anyway, I'm Zeliha, I was killed during World War 2, so I've been here since 1939."
"Finally, best for last, I'm Conan, I've been here since 925 and I'm part of Irish Royalty, just letting you ladies know." Conan said, staring and Zeliha and Ysabella.

God walked back into the room, seeing Conan and Zeliha, holding back his cringe. He sat in his chair and then slammed a book on his desk. He began reciting words in Latin, the room began to spin, full of wind and lightning. Pages of the book started flipping by themselves, papers from bookshelves and his desk started flying around the room. His eyes began glowing and lightning struck the team. The 7 of the team starting levitating, their eyes glowing and their hair flowing with the wind. Everything stopped abruptly.

God closed the book, "That's it!" God exclaimed happily, picking up the book and placing it back on the shelf.
"My head hurts..." Ysabella said, weakly.
"What exactly did that accomplish?" Valerio asked with both his hands on his head.
"Well," God prepared to explain while searching through a cabinet he had connected to his desk, "I gave you magical powers, needed for your expedition."
"So this isn't a vacation? I have to do something?" Conan asked, disappointed.
"You literally just defined rich people problems." Dorado said, chuckling.
"Wait, what type of powers?" Lysias asked, curious of what he was given.
"Obviously you all got a bit of super strength, that way you can withstand more attacks than the average person. Although Conan and Lysias are the tanks of the team, having more strength than the others."
"Oh, so that's why I couldn't see much of a difference." Conan said, no longer a skinny fellow and now a muscular figure.
"Then, you each have powers which can prove helpful on your journey, these powers reveal a little bit of yourselves." God explained, taking weapons out of the cabinet and placing them atop of the desk. "Do me a favor Lysias, hold out your arm and focus all your energy on your hand."
Lysias placed his hand out, "Not much is happ-" suddenly a small flame emit from his palm.
"Good demonstration, Lysias." God said smiling brightly.
"What do the rest of us have?" Alonzo questioned.
"Well, Dorado has control of the dead and healing capabilities through regeneration of himself and others. Ysabella has to make physical contact with someone and then she can have their strength and powers, she also happens to have more speed than the average person. Zeliha can morph or shapeshifts into animal she chooses. Conan has the ability to manipulate Earth's powers. Lysias has power over the fire element, as proven before. Valerio has a small bird companion, who I'm sure will lead you the right way when needed. Lastly, Alonzo has the power to mind manipulate people to certain lengths, mostly depending on what fuels his power."
"What fuels my power?" Alonzo asked
"I think we both already know that answer," God said we a disgusted face as he noticed a small bulge from Alonzo's pants.
"We need some time for you to get used to your powers of course, so please follow me to the training area." God said, opening a secret passage by snapping his fingers.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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