Chapter 5

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Drip. Drip. Drop. 

The sound of water constantly dripping from the broken pipe echoed. Darkness engulfed the place. The source of light, so dim, only coming from the small window located in the top left corner of the room. The pinkette fluttered her eyes open, slowly adjusting her eyes to her surroundings. 

"Where am I?" She thought, vaguely trying to remember what happened to her. And when she did, she cursed colorfully. Slowly taking a comfortable sitting position, well the most comfortable you can get in a prison is not much. She tried to move her hands but realized that it was tied. Chakra wires.

"Tch," she grunted, frustrated. Tied with wires that will absorb her chakra whenever she flared or use her chakra and trapped in a damn prison. 

Great, she thought sarcastically. Her minds searched for possible ways to escape this place. But, still, after minutes or thinking, she can't seem to think of one.

Firstly, she's not familiar with this place and there's almost no source of lighting whatsoever.

Secondly, this damn chakra wires.

Thirdly, she's alone.

"Damn it, kami, what have I done to receive this?" the pinkette asked in her mind.

Suddenly, footsteps so silent, belonging to those of a shinobi, enteted the pinkette's hearing. From what she heard, that certain someone is heading her way. True enough, soon, a tall man appeared before her sight. Aside from the fact that the place is dark, the man itself is dressed in black clothes all over and only leaving his eyes in the open.

"Get out," he said in a gruff voice, pushing the entrance of the prison. He stepped away, gesturing the pinkette to come out. Having no way out, Sakura complied although hesitanly. Her own steps are silent and hesitant. Her minds went to think about things. A lot of things. Most of them being the worse.

The pinkette followed behind the man silently. Her eyes wandered left, right, up, down-- she looked everywhere, scanning her surroundings. She tried to find clues. Anything, no matter how small it is will be fine. But, her efforts ended futile.

Having no other choice, she finally asked, "Where are you taking me?"

But, all she received is silence.

The pinkette mentally cursed. What else does she expect? An answer? Yeah, right.

They took a sharp turn to the left and soon a huge door came in sight. The man forcefully tore off her chakra wires, shoved her in wordlessly, and shutted the door bebind her with a loud 'bang'. The voice echoed throughout the room.

And soon, the pinkette find herself being the center of attention. Dozens pairs of eyes stared at her. At least, there's enough source of light in this room. The pinkette stood awkwardly, before her inner snapped her out. She blinked out of her trance and silently walked to the right side of the room, taking a sit in the corner of the room.

She took another time to scan her the people in this room. Her eyes didn't catch much shinobi. Most of the people in the room are civilians. The ages varies, she assumed. From kids, teenagers, and middle-aged. Both girls and boys, men and women, the place is big enough to hold about a hundred of people. The wheels in her mind started to work. Thousands of questions ran to her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2020 ⏰

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