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I walked closer to the black instrument that layed in front of me. I sit down on the mini bench chair that was placed in front of the piano. Dust covered to item as I could guess it hasn't been played in about two years. A note was attached to piano and it read,

" To Min-so, this piano has been built for you in Memory of the times we have cried and laughed together and we have been at our knees together and we have been there to comfort each other through the darkest of lights to where I hope that we be together in this life and the next but I won't make it out of this bed... choose wisely on how you will spend your life as yours will truly cost a fortune love yours truly in this life and the next Sunhae."

I looked at the card and put it back on the hood the the piano as I begin to dust out the instrument. I looked down at the black and white key remembering that when I couldn't do anything I would play the piano and when I was stressed i would play the piano. I wrote a song that no one knows. I even played a show and no one showed. I knew that the piano was a part of me even if I didn't want it to be. It's a curse.

When I touch a piano every note that come out is a curse, a curse of sadness,stress and loneliness. It won't go away it's been with me forever. With that I began to play the piano that laid in front of me. Every note filled with dread,I started slow and fastened my pace and my thoughts continued. The music I played always told a story even if no one realized it. The music began to fasten and I couldn't hold on the emotion inside me. I closed my eyes and played with my heart it was a sad song one that told my whole story.

I will never forgive myself for letting Taehyung and hoseok die right in front of me I will never forgive my family for leaving me. I will never forgive myself for anything I have done. The notes began to sound more dramatic and built up to the major notes and I let out my anger. Visions began to replay in my head "vhope's" smiles, the rain that poured that one day it all fell apart. the day every thing came to an end. The one day I looked into a mirror as I looked at myself I've never seen such cold eyes until I looked farther I've ever seen such a sad soul and there i was the mirror broke in front of me.
The shattered pieces of glass that held my picture I opened my eyes

Cursed Piano BoyWhere stories live. Discover now