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the gravel beneath MC's shoes scraped as they tried to keep a straight face until they reached to their spot. months have already passed but things weren't getting any better.

the familiar engraved name of him comes to view, so they stop.
they swallow a gulp, eyes already getting blurry from tears.

"H-Hi Buns...." they started, their eyes going distant, desperately imagining frank to be there with them.

"I bought you sunflowers..!... i didn't forget the flowers y-you were allergic to this time..ha...." they let out a miserable sound between a sob and a chuckle.

"I miss you alot. So does Bloffe. Sometimes he still comes to your spot in the bed to see if you're still there.. then h-he waits by the door for hours... i'd have to coax him out to eat and all...." by now they're crying, the bouquet slightly ruffled in their hands.

"i really thought we'd grow old together Frank! be that nice elderly neighbours as we take care of bloffe and his grandkids...." they sniffle "i miss you so much. i-i...."

They fall into a squat, the bouquet of flowers set down, their head in their arms.
sobs wracked their body, the sky was already grey.

and soon, it wasn't only them who's crying.

Frank x Reader DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now