Kid x Patty (Kitty)

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OOOOHHHHH MMMMYYY GGOOSSSHHH!!!!!!!! I love this pairing! This comes right after Tsustar for me! it's such an adorable ship! I get so happy when I see fan art of them together!!!!

But I'm sure some of you don't think it's cute. You're like, 'why does she ship that?!' Well, I'll tell you my reason and that's because I think they need each other. They're both extremes of their personalities. Like Kid's really uptight and exact with everything and Patty likes to wreak things, even if she does make it perfect and she's playful. So I think Kid needs Patty to loosen him up and Patty needs Kid to keep her in line. I think if they are with any other people it won't help them...So I ship Kitty which is a VERY cute shipping name if I've ever heard one.

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