Leather, Kisses and Cigarettes.

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Chapter 1: An Introduction.

Isabella Jeremiah was 15. She was originally from London, England. But she moved to Los Angeles in July 2010 with her parents. She was a scene girl. She had jet black hair down her waist, which she had many different bright colours in and she usually wore it big and wild. She was mixed race, her father was Jamaican and her mother, Irish. She was a very likeable girl once you got to know her. But not a lot of people made an effort to try at her new school. She loved animals, children and the environment. She was always doing things for charities. As her family was rich, they could afford it.

Finlay Drew was 16 and is a worldwide known rock star that is originally from Adelaide, Australia but moved to Atlanta with his mum, Dylan, when he was 12 years old because he had been signed to a major record label. So he still had an Australian accent. He moved to L.A a month after Isabella. He had black hair which was always hair sprayed big and spiky His fringe dangled over one of his crystal blue eyes to create a mysterious side fringe. He almost always wore black and leather. When he sang he had a husky voice. Which made girls knees go weak. Though he had an EMO image, even the girls from the girly clicks wanted him. He loved helping charities like helping children in need and stopping animal cruelty. He didn't get time to go back to see his family often. He lived with his mum as his parents divorced when he was 7 years old. He was an only child until his dad re-married when he was 11 and he now had 4 year old twins, brother and sister, Nico and Tia.  

Isabella's parents were out of town for the week and she was left alone in the house that they had moved in to a month ago. Isabella was always being left on her own. Plus she hadn't made any good friends yet so she couldn't have sleepovers. Her parents were always leaving her on her own to go for romantic dinners, night clubbing, holidays but mostly business trips. So Isabella was used to not having her parents there. She had never gotten to learn the basic skills from her parents, like how to ride a bike, how to swim. Plus she didn't have any siblings to teach her either. But as her parents were so rich, they hired someone to teach Isabella. It was quite frustrating for her. She called her parents by their names, Mark and Joely (Joe-lee). As she thought they had never been much of parents. They were always too busy to care what she called them.


I hope you like this,  

I haven't edited properly but hopefully it's alright.  

I've spent a lot of time writing this (2 years). I hope it's worth it. 

It's my first story. 

Much love xxx

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