First meeting Mr.Porter

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Eventually all the pups came to a river chase said "We're going to have to swim for it."
Marshall put rubble down and said "There's just one problem rubble can't swim yet." But before they could think of a solution rubble got scared by a spider and the pups went after him but lost him in the jungle and then a massive rock slide happened and they headed back to the river all they could do now was swim across the river and make it to the beach and hopefully find a boat that can take them to the mainland.

By the time the man had found them they where on the beach he was told that the english bulldog puppy had been found so the german shepherd, dalmatian, grey pollmeramean, cockapoo, and chocolate labrador was his responsibility to gain their trust and get them to go with him so they could get a checkup from a actual vet so he approached them calmly and made some noise so he wouldn't scare them. When they looked at the approaching stranger chase and marshall growled at him but he said "It's alright little ones I'm not going to hurt you or take you back to that lab I'm going to take you all some where safe if you'll let me."
Chase asked "Who are you and how do we know that this isn't just a trick to get us to trust you then we get taken back to the lab?" The man replied "I promise you this isn't a trick and as for who I am you can call me Mr.Porter."

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