Chapter four

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The next morning, Mama woke Cora bright and early. She handed Cora a plain piece of bread for her breakfast. Cora was starving, and ate it with more haste than manners. Her grandmother had left to go to her friends house already, so it was just Cora and her parents.
Daddy packed up what little belongings they owned, and suddenly a wagon hurried by.
"This is our ride to the pier, hurry now." Daddy said, throwing their suitcase into the wagon. He helped Mama up first, and then tossed Cora up.
Cora sat next to her parents, in the middle between them, and watched the buildings go by, faster and faster, until she could smell the fresh ocean. They had arrived at the pier.
Daddy got out of the wagon, and so did Mama. She walked a bit ahead of them, to show the ship officers their tickets.
Daddy held the suitcase in one hand, and picked Cora up with the other. Cora giggled, almost dropping her doll.

They walked closer to the ship, when Cora noticed how big it was.
She gazed up at one of the giant funnels, and squinted. The sun was almost blinding her, but the ship was so magnificent she couldn't stop looking. Cora had never seen anything bigger than that ship. The word 'Titanic' was written across the side.
"Titanic." Cora thought. "What a great name for a ship."

"This way please! Right here!" A ship officer called to the other third class passengers.

Daddy noticed she was so amazed by the size of that great ship.
He smiled and said; "it's a big boat, Uh?"
Cora knew it wasn't a boat. A boat was smaller and had a paddle you had to row to make it move. It was nothing compared to the Titanic.
"Daddy, it's a ship!" Cora replied.

The end

Authors note: I know this chapter is very short, but I hadn't written in this book in a long time, and wanted to complete it, even though no one is actually reading it lol. If you did come this far, please vote for it, and comment, if you have the chance. It really Means a lot and inspires me to keep writing. Thank you!

Cora Cartmell before TITANICWhere stories live. Discover now